Using Emoji Icons In Email title Causes Title to be removed



Every now and then I use emoji icons in my titles (when I email via aweber)

Today i tried to use them in mailwizz..when I send myself a test email then for the title field it says unknown

when i go back to edit setup and change the title then I see that the title field is empty

I am using the following characters before the title so that it will create a gift emoji

I usually use the following site to get my emoji's Just click on any image and it will popup with the characters to copy - I usually copy paste them into aweber but it doesnt seem to be working with mailwizz

ok it looks like this forum is removing the characters too here it is wrapped in code


Ok the forum is just stripping it
In order for this to happen, we need to use utf8mb4 as the character set in the database.
Thing is this is not really well supported by all mysql versions but only newly ones, so for now i am not going to do any change related to this, if you need it done, just run this mysql query on your database server:
ALTER TABLE `mw_campaign` CHANGE `subject` `subject` VARCHAR(255) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci NULL DEFAULT NULL;
I have executed this on phpMyAdmin:

ALTER TABLE `mail_campaign` CHANGE `subject` `subject` VARCHAR( 255 ) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci NULL DEFAULT NULL

(my tables' prefix is mail )

I'm running MariaDB 10.1 which should be the latest and greatest.

Still when I try to save an emoticon I got from it replaces it with ????

Is there anything else I should execute?
By the way, the query did work and the table did change to unicode, yet it keeps reverting to "????"

Hello @Hector,
Did you solve this issue ? as i am having same issue..

I am trying to save Emoji in DB and i follow your instruction by changing field type , field type is changed
I try to save Emoji directly in Table and it saved
When this subject show on form it shows ??
& when i send test email i got same ?? in email

I also try to save value from subject text box to DB and it saved to ??

i think YII or MW is removing or changing Emoji code to ??
could you please let me know, how to fix this ?

@AHK - it might be mwz/yii, but since we don't support the functionality out of box it would be very hard to help you troubleshoot:-s
Its nothing to with utf8mb4, even i try to put value in DB and it saved and show properly but when i send email that value was ???
this is MW or YII string function.
there is value in apps/common/config/main.php
'charset' => 'utf-8',
I think this is causing but when i change this value to utf8mb4, all application stop working.
I am trying and if i find out i will share here & If any of your guys find out plz do share here...
Its nothing to with utf8mb4
the whole thing is about getting the utf8mb4 chars through, and that only works if all that these chars touch is able to handle them, so each part must be able to pass on the utf8mb4 chars to the next, then, when server, dbf, mwz, etc have been adjusted, it can work

the reason mwz is not set by default to utf8mb4 is that many environments where it is installed do not support that expanded charset and then the app cannot do its work, see here

so, if all parts support utf8mb4, then you can also use mwz with that expanded char set
