update version 1.5.7 error


i made the update to verion 1.5.7
I made the upload of update folder, then in my site I click on the button (start the update) but nothing to change
from the ssh I put the command : /usr/bin/php5 /var/www/clients/client0/web1/web/apps/console/console.php update
but he tells me an error:
root@ns3043851:~# /usr/bin/php5 /var/www/clients/client0/web1/web/apps/console/console.php update
Are you sure you want to update your Mailwizz application from version 1.5.1 to version 1.5.7 ? (yes|no) [no]:yes
[2018-05-20 07:54:29] - Updating to version 1.5.2.
[2018-05-20 07:54:29] - Updating to version 1.5.2 failed with: CDbCommand failed to execute the SQL statement: SQLSTATE[42S21]: Column already exists: 1060 Duplicate column name 'timezone'
please help me
I made the change and here is the result in the print screen
this display remains like that 24 hours then it shows me connection errorupgrade.png
@wissem :
There was a script run on the server that shut down the long running processes.
this was included as an exception and the web update was okay.

However, the console did not run the update, but the web interface is yes ...
after the runtime has been enabled on the server, then I started running it in the Browser.
Is it not yours that the processes that run too long are shut down by the server and that is why it does not run away from you?
@MORGENS Design / @wissem - you both seem to have large databases, which means you should NOT run the upgrade friom the web interface but from command line.
The upgrade instructions are very clear for each case. Remember the upgrade process might even take days if you have extraordinary large databases.
@twisted1919 ok it's clear thank you, just for me during the execution since the ssh the connection is reptured, in this case what can I do?
I restart the command line?
Thank you
excellent, the update run is completed after 36 hours
if possible pls give me the update log (added options and corrections)
I have a quick question: when I delete a customer account, do the lists and campaigns created in this account will be deleted automatically in the database (mysql) or the content must be deleted manually before deleting the account
thank you
Hi Twisted,

I ran upgrade command from ssh, but connection closed to due to internet got down. I wanted to know if the upgrade will be running in background or do I need to run the command again?