Update to newest version not successful!


After a long time not using Mailwizz I decided to restart some campaigns and the first one I attempted got stuck at the pending-sending stage. Seeing that I was behind a lot of the updates, I decided to update the app hoping this was going to be a walk in the park.

Now I have an error message when I go to: http://www.yourdomain.com/backend/index.php/update

I followed the instructions from this page for the update: https://kb.mailwizz.com/articles/upgrade-steps/

I used CyberDuck on Mac to upload the "update" folder of the latest version on the app from CodeCanyon, and I made sure this was set to "overwrite."

I even contacted the server guys for my VPS and they said it's not an issue with the server.

I have just renewed my support package and hope to find a solution with your help.

Thank you.
I also had CRON running errors. For help, I'll tell you what was the problem:

pl / usr/local/bin/php and /usr/bin/php-cli

It was probably due to switching from EasyApapche3 to EasyApache4 because it was too specific to enter where to find php.
I put the PATH in the cron, if you can not find the cron for the php interpreter because it is a command line error that has not been generated.

I took the STDERR redirection so if you have an error you will need to receive the error output in email.