Update subscribers, re-import CSV


New Member

Is there a way to reimport a CSV and update subscribers? I know I can change their status with a new CSV but the question is if I can update other custom fields, for example their phone number, first name, etc.

Many thanks!

So, to confirm, just importing into the same list will overwrite data if it matches email address?
Yes, that is correct.
What if the imported CSV doesn't have all the data?

For example, let's say I have two lists, List A and List B. List A has two custom fields -- Field1 and Field2. List B has 1 custom field -- Field3. I import CSV from List B that has email, IP address, and Field3 into List A. If the email already exists in List A, will the custom field data be merged (i.e. keep Field1 and Field2 and add Field3) or will the custom field data be lost?
my customer has 4 different accounts to send their campaigns.
Each one has their own lists.

When I download a CSV, I have the status (confirmed / unsubscribed) of each one.
Is it possible to keep it if I upload the same CSV to another user?

my customer has 4 different accounts to send their campaigns.
Each one has their own lists.

When I download a CSV, I have the status (confirmed / unsubscribed) of each one.
Is it possible to keep it if I upload the same CSV to another user?


Its good if you keep Email id field and other required filed, Status field dont need in import.
Thanks for the support.
Could it be developed in future releases?
The "status" column already exists in the CSV, it would be enough to keep it in the import.
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If you keep Status column it will Import but that will be added as a separate column.

You can make a test csv file and import it and check it.