Update and do not send


New Member
Update to the latest version and from that moment I can not send 2 campaigns at the same time.
did that happen to anyone else? Any ideas?
The configuration is the same as it had and worked well


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@Joel - that is indeed an issue related to some changes i did in, i'll fix this in the next upcoming release.
is it fixed in v1383?
perhaps camp
prioritization (1 2 3 4 5 ...)
and alternating / percentage (10% camp1, 20% camp2, 30% camp3, 40% camp4)
would be good?
is it fixed in v1383?
perhaps camp
prioritization (1 2 3 4 5 ...)
and alternating / percentage (10% camp1, 20% camp2, 30% camp3, 40% camp4)
would be good?
Please try to format a phrase in english that I and others can understand...
@Joel - that is indeed an issue related to some changes i did in, i'll fix this in the next upcoming release.
Is the above fixed in MailWizz version ?

Perhaps campaign scheduling with the option(s) to
prioritize them generally (#1, #2, #3, ...) as well as
alternate their sending over a number of cron runs (e.g. 10% camp1, 20% camp2, 30% camp3, 40% camp4) might be helpful,
so that one could control the mail flow even better.

Does that make sense?
Is the above fixed in MailWizz version ?
Yup, that should be fine.
Perhaps campaign scheduling with the option(s) to
prioritize them generally (#1, #2, #3, ...) as well as
alternate their sending over a number of cron runs (e.g. 10% camp1, 20% camp2, 30% camp3, 40% camp4) might be helpful,
so that one could control the mail flow even better.
These are the kind of changes that would require to rewrite the entire scheduler of the app, which as you can think, it's not an option :-s
Yup, that should be fine.
Good to know, because that was not evident from the changelog. Thx for all the great work on that one again!

These are the kind of changes that would require to rewrite the entire scheduler of the app
Considering the app recently sent only one campaign at a time, and considering it has them listed in the order of creation, and considering it has a pause function, how much further would prioritization be?
And as the customer groups have the options to set the amount per minute and when to switch server, it seems close to alternating and volume control. How about a pause controller, which would enable to un/pause campaigns after a certain number of crons (similar to a repeat campaign time setting, just here it would be the crons', e.g. you could select each 3rd cron also/exclusively this camp)?
It seems basically (almost) all there ;)
Also, it be nice to be able to quickly/easily switch DS when a camp is paused. Kinda from an additional button which could open just a quick selection to put a check next to each DS to be used. Just a thought :cool: