[UNSUBCRIBE_URL] shows up as link instead of unsubscribe button/link


New Member
When using the [UNSUBSCRIBE_URL] tag within an email, it shows up as the actual web address in the email. Is there any way to disguise the output of the tag as an "Unsubscribe" button that leads to the web address?

I was able to use a custom tag to do solve this issue, but am unable to send any emails out without including the [unsubscribe_url] tag, as it is required.
Bonjour, j'ai acheté le script Mailwizz 2.1.6, je ne trouve pas comment installer le formulaire d'inscription ?
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Bonjour, j'ai acheté le script Mailwizz 2.1.6, je ne trouve pas comment installer le formulaire d'inscription ?
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