Unintented Quota Limiting

Ray Li

The problem I'm about to describe is a pretty big one in my mind as it broke my emailing system and I have not yet found a solution.

Currently in Mailwizz, there is the ability to limit the number of emails sent per hour from each delivery server. Unfortunately, there is no way to apply specific limits on campaigns. This means to limit the number of emails sent, you have to set it in the backend settings for the server which affects ALL campaigns. That's not the worst part. The worst part is that transactional emails are also limited by the quota.

The result is that when I send a newsletter to 5000 subscribers and my server is limiting to 100 emails per hour, no transactional emails are sent as long as the campaign is active. New subscribers will not be able to confirm their subscription because they do not receive an opt-in email if I have a campaign running.

Now the obvious suggestion would be to remove the sending quota but that is not a solution. Servers need to be warmed up and more importantly, I need to slow down sending so I have a steady stream of traffic to optimize off of. I need a limit per hour so I can analyze the performance of my campaign and make changes as needed.

There are a couple of fixes for this problem:
1. Add the ability to set quotas on campaigns in addition to servers.
2. Prioritize transactional emails. Send all transactional emails before campaign emails.
3. Have separate quotas for campaigns and transactional emails.

The problem I discovered makes it very difficult to control the speed of sending emails and not send all of them at once.
The result is that when I send a newsletter to 5000 subscribers and my server is limiting to 100 emails per hour, no transactional emails are sent as long as the campaign is active. New subscribers will not be able to confirm their subscription because they do not receive an opt-in email if I have a campaign running.
Just dedicate one or more DS to list emails (or one of the other choices, see pic).
quotas for campaigns
You will find them in the campaigns tab of the customer settings (/backend/settings/customers/campaigns) and in the customer group (/backend/customers/groups/index, then update, then seek the camp tab).
Thank you for your suggestions. I believe adding another server for transaction emails is the solution to one of my problems. However, I still think there is a problem with the second issue.

I see that you can set a per minute sending limit for campaigns which also applies to transactional emails? Is that correct? You can exclude transactional emails from quotas but not from the per minute limit.

It would be much easier to give the customer the ability to limit sending per campaign instead of going into the backend and applying batch settings. The way things are currently setup, campaign sending limits apply to all campaigns a user starts and does not work well as a throttling device.

I'll look into that feature request form because I feel throttling sending is an important ability to have.
None of what you described is a problem. There are ways to fix each of them if you have a good understanding of the system. just like @frm.mwz pointed out, you can specialize delivery server, or you can select delivery servers for campaigns, etc etc.
If I set count transactional emails towards quota to No under Settings>Customers>Quota Counters, will transactional emails still be counted towards a server's hourly quotas?

Let's say I have a server limited to 100 emails per hour. I want to send 1000 transactional emails through that server. Will those 1000 emails go through?
Also, let's say I setup a server specifically for transactional emails and another server for All. Will transactional emails only be sent through the transactional email server or will the All server still send some transactional emails?