Translation to language with special characters causes problems


Active Member

I have almost finished translating MailWizz to Swedish now, I have spent a few hours on it, now I am verifying the translations. Now I see that Swedish special characters (åäö and ÅÄÖ) for some reason can't be displayed, instead the whole string is erased.

E.g. in customers.php it looks like this:

<snip src="customers.php">
return array (
'Group' => 'Grupp',
'First name' => 'F&ouml;rnamn',
'Last name' => 'Efternamn',
'Email' => 'Epost',
'Company' => 'Företag',

If I don't use the HTML encoding, then the strings (e.g. the translation of "First name" (="Förnamn")) is just deleted, and if I use the HTML encoding, the encoding will never take place.

On the other hand, in the file app.php it works perfectly (and the below is from the same screen, so it should not be the webserver that is rendering it wrongfully), see here:

<snip src="app.php">
return array (
'Date added' => 'Datum, skapad',
'Options' => 'Inst&auml;llningar',

See the below screenshot. Any ideas on how to do? Why do it differ, that is, it works sometimes, but sometimes not. (grrr, I accidentially wrote "RED = customers.php" with a green color, but the line is still red so you'll see what I mean :) )


Can you double check that you save your files in utf-8 encoding?
Doing like so should simply display the chars properly in the application.

Let me know.
Yes, that worked. I used SuperEdi now to be sure it was saved as UTF-8.
I used Notepad Lite before when I edited both the files so it really doesn't explain why it worked in one case but not in the other.

Any ideas?
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