Translation problem

we have a problem with nonfunctional links in translations.

For example we wanna translate this message from the category “email_templates”:

“Please see <a href="{templateArchiveHref}">this example archive</a> in order to understand how you should format your uploaded archive! Also, please note we only accept zip files.”

Whatever we insert into the translation the links will always be like this:
“<a href="%7BtemplateArchiveHref%7D">this example archive</a>”.
And this causes the link to not work.

Do you know how to fix this issue?
This has been fixed today and will be included in the next update.
If you don't want to wait for the next update, here's the change:
Screenshot 2022-10-13 at 13.11.51.png
In apps/backend/controllers/TranslationsController.php at line 85, change from purify to xssClean