Translate IFRAME form



I translated everything and everthing is working fine, but only the iframe form is still in englisch. Also new contact get the email "Please confirm your subscription"This should be in dutch. Can someone help me out.

Many Many Thanks.
I already search the hole web, i translated it see below code, but somehow it only works when i change all customers from application default to dutch manually.

Translation file for "list_subscribers" category.
'Please confirm your subscription' => 'Bevestig je inschrijving',
'Subscribe' => 'Inschrijven',
'Unsubscribe' => 'Uitschrijven',

These all dont work, the rest of the translation works perfect.
I already search the hole web, i translated it see below code, but somehow it only works when i change all customers from application default to dutch manually.

Translation file for "list_subscribers" category.
'Please confirm your subscription' => 'Bevestig je inschrijving',
'Subscribe' => 'Inschrijven',
'Unsubscribe' => 'Uitschrijven',

These all dont work, the rest of the translation works perfect.

Try to set registration default country to NL and see if that helps.

Also, perhaps a cache issue...try clearing all caches as described here:
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I already change default to dutch, see below. Still doenst work. Maybe its a cache problem then.


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I already change default to dutch, see below. Still doenst work. Maybe its a cache problem then.
If it still does not fully work in dutch, then perhaps not all is translated, try to run the translate command and then see if there are any phrases left to translate?
Thanks, and sorry for all the questions end my englisch, still doenst work, but now the subscribe button in the form is good, but in the iframe field not.
there its still subscribe, and when i subscribe i get Please confirm your subscription and not Bevestig je inschrijving.
Many Thanks again.
The English phrases will probably be found (in the form code) in these pages, so go to that list, see the pages, and edit them there.