The PHP CLI binary is missing the IMAP extension!


Hey there,

Getting a lot of this error:
2016/02/07 21:50:02 [error] [application] The PHP CLI binary is missing the IMAP extension!

It is probably nothing to worry about, because campaigns go out fine.
However do I need to install something to be on safe side?

Best wishes,
how do I install IMAP extension on Centos 8 to avoid following error?

2020/06/05 11:00:02 [error] [application] The PHP CLI binary is missing the IMAP extension!

[root@A ~]# yum install php-imap
Last metadata expiration check: 0:04:05 ago on Fri 05 Jun 2020 04:47:42 PM IST.
No match for argument: php-imap
Error: Unable to find a match: php-imap
[root@A ~]#
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