Survey questions


If I send the survey to a list, a user can answer the survey multiple times. Can we set it to one time per member?

If the email recipient attempts to answer the same survey in a short period, it first presents the survey, allows them to submit it, and then presents them with a page that says "Error 403!
We detected too many submissions from your IP address in a short period of time, please slow down!" Should this be shown first? This could frustrate a user if they typed one or more responses.

In the same scenario above, there is a "<- Back" link. That link goes to a generic page. Here is the page it goes to for my test survey,

There is a Login link on the survey. Could you remove that?

Thank you!
If I send the survey to a list, a user can answer the survey multiple times. Can we set it to one time per member?
What would count as a unique subscriber, the email address I assume?
We can add this feature for upcoming releases ;)

This could frustrate a user if they typed one or more responses.
That's the point. There is no reason they would submit that form more than 1 time a minute, which is the current limit.
What would count as a unique subscriber, the email address I assume?
Sure, that would work.
That's the point. There is no reason they would submit that form more than 1 time a minute, which is the current limit.
If it were limited to one reply per email, then once they got to the survey page, maybe it could remind them they already responded.

Thank you for considering making these changes.
If it were limited to one reply per email, then once they got to the survey page, maybe it could remind them they already responded.
I was thinking the same. Is there a scenario in which we want somebody to respond more then once to a survey?

I was thinking the same. Is there a scenario in which we want somebody to respond more then once to a survey?
For my use case, no. I imagine others may want that ability. Maybe it's an option? "Allow user to respond more than once"?
We implemented this and it will be available in the next release. We added a field on the survey where the customer can specify how many responses to allow per responder. Default is -1 meaning unlimited.
The responder will be identified by subscriber_uid if this is sent, or by ip if subscriber_uid is not in the query params.
