If I send the survey to a list, a user can answer the survey multiple times. Can we set it to one time per member?
If the email recipient attempts to answer the same survey in a short period, it first presents the survey, allows them to submit it, and then presents them with a page that says "Error 403!
We detected too many submissions from your IP address in a short period of time, please slow down!" Should this be shown first? This could frustrate a user if they typed one or more responses.
In the same scenario above, there is a "<- Back" link. That link goes to a generic page. Here is the page it goes to for my test survey, https://www.pathlabtalk.com/newsletter/index.php/.
There is a Login link on the survey. Could you remove that?
Thank you!
If the email recipient attempts to answer the same survey in a short period, it first presents the survey, allows them to submit it, and then presents them with a page that says "Error 403!
We detected too many submissions from your IP address in a short period of time, please slow down!" Should this be shown first? This could frustrate a user if they typed one or more responses.
In the same scenario above, there is a "<- Back" link. That link goes to a generic page. Here is the page it goes to for my test survey, https://www.pathlabtalk.com/newsletter/index.php/.
There is a Login link on the survey. Could you remove that?
Thank you!