Subscribe form just "post" no direction


I use Subscribe form's html code that is generated by default mailwizz
This forms post action being diverted.... So, how to just post with out seeing list page Pending subscribe ?
I am having difficulty with Mailwizz & Thrive Leads combination.
Thrive Leads has embedded APIs for many platforms. But unfortunately there is no for mailwizz.
However, they also support html forms in spite of its default APIs. The problem, after post action, success state doesn't come because post directs the opt-in form to the mailwizz installed domain.
Not quite, that page is a good information to let you know you have to confirm your email. If you don't want this, simply use single opt-in.
Keep in mind the opt-in process must be very clear, there are laws we have to abide by ;)
Not quite, that page is a good information to let you know you have to confirm your email. If you don't want this, simply use single opt-in.
Keep in mind the opt-in process must be very clear, there are laws we have to abide by ;)
To inform about the confirmation email via the 'pending page' is not needed, as you can do that on the subscription page/form already.
Then you don't need the 'pending page', and don't break some processes (see initial post). So making the 'pending page' optional in MailWizz, will allow to stay with confirmed opt-in, and not encourage to use single opt-in (which is less law abiding).
Hence, this gives more, and the right, options ;)
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Thank you guys for the help.. I appreciate it.
But in "single opt-in" no confirmation email goes to the user right ?
in "single opt-in" no confirmation email goes to the user right ?
Correct. Hence my proposal above, for confirmed opt-in to have the option to forgo the 'pending page', so that processes like yours via Thrive Leads do not get broken and still the double opt-in works fine :)
Yes @frm.mwz I agree with you. It is painfully for me now.
I want confirmation email but I do not want to see pending page..
How can I get in this way ?
Yes @frm.mwz I agree with you. It is painfully for me now.
I want confirmation email but I do not want to see pending page..
How can I get in this way ?
Have a look if Thrive Leads offers a display option to choose between
the mailer's pending/confirmation page
its own page.