Spanish Language Pack


New Member
I am in need of a Spanish language pack, the one I am currently using is missing lots of stings and most of my pages are not translating.

I would be willing to pay for any assistance with this.
Spanish Language Pack For Free
I am offering service to create MailWizz Latest Version Language Packs. I will create a complete language pack of any language you want :)
We will always create the latest Language Packs. Currently, all our language Packs are created with MailWizz Latest Version(Version 2.5.5).
Before delivering/payment I can upload your language pack in our demo server and after your approval, we will deal & can provide you language pack Zip.

You can not sell or give it away to anyone else. You can use them for your servers only.

►Whatsapp : +919521069892
►Youtube :

