Suggest to create another feature for extend version. Will be good if SMS plugin available. User can send personalised SMS via mailwizz text box ( capture first name and phone number from list ).
How to send sms ?
we can integrate with any sms provider such as Clickatell through API. User must have Clickatell account.
So, it won't hit server or mailwizz performance.
user can purchase credit from us as provider, then the sms only can sent based on available credit. For this option, only ESP require to have API account with Clickatel ( example )
Both option give a lot advantage for end user ( customer )

How to send sms ?
we can integrate with any sms provider such as Clickatell through API. User must have Clickatell account.
So, it won't hit server or mailwizz performance.
user can purchase credit from us as provider, then the sms only can sent based on available credit. For this option, only ESP require to have API account with Clickatel ( example )
Both option give a lot advantage for end user ( customer )