SMIME Certificate to Sign or Encrypt Emails


New Member
I'm new to Mailwizz and so far I'm loving it.

I searched but couldn't find an answer so I'll ask here. My delivery server is secure using Let's Encrypt. I want to know is there a way to use a secure email certificate from Comodo (for example) with Mailwizz?

I use a SMIME certificate with Postbox and wanted to know if I could do the same with Mailwizz?

I'm new to Mailwizz and so far I'm loving it.

I searched but couldn't find an answer so I'll ask here. My delivery server is secure using Let's Encrypt. I want to know is there a way to use a secure email certificate from Comodo (for example) with Mailwizz?

I use a SMIME certificate with Postbox and wanted to know if I could do the same with Mailwizz?

Generally encrypted transmission is possible using SSL/TLS in delivery server setup, and you will see e.g. Gmail showing the "green lock".
But if you mean to use a subscriber-specific key (e.g. GPG/PGP or Comodo or else) then this is not yet possible with mwz AFAIK.