slow sending



would like to stop by and say hello , glad to be a part of this community.
Would appreciate if some local gurus could give me a tip on how to increase a sending speed currently i my server is sending something around 2 mails per minute

i host application on a 8 GB , 2CPU E5-Xeon with separate exim server on cpanel with 32 GB , 4CPU E5-Xeon

i have done a search on the forum and adjusted my cron setting according to

i have also found a CHttpException maybe this could be possible reason

thx in advance


  • Снимок экрана 2017-10-20 в 16.45.46.png
    Снимок экрана 2017-10-20 в 16.45.46.png
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  • error.txt
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would like to stop by and say hello , glad to be a part of this community.
Would appreciate if some local gurus could give me a tip on how to increase a sending speed currently i my server is sending something around 2 mails per minute

i host application on a 8 GB , 2CPU E5-Xeon with separate exim server on cpanel with 32 GB , 4CPU E5-Xeon

i have done a search on the forum and adjusted my cron setting according to

i have also found a CHttpException maybe this could be possible reason

thx in advance
Hey :) I can say its extremely slow, have you tried using PCNTL: Campaigns in parallel 5, Subscriber batches in parallel 20

Few Questions:
  • Server storage type SSD or HDD?
  • How much RAM / CPU being used while Campaign is being sent?
  • Both Servers (MailWizz & Exim) are hosted in same Datacenter/Location?
Hope it helps!
hi, my server is extremely slow in sending mails. many a times it opens up very slowly. and get stuck in processing campaigns. i have to manually pause and restart again and again. i am using a dedicated server Intel Xeon @ 2.66GHz+, 8 Cores - 16 Threads, RAM 32GB, DDR3 ECC 2 x 512 GB SSD, Hardware RAID, 1Gbps. usage is currently 65%. i have deleted many campaigns and data but server usage did not come down. I am not a tech person but if someone can help me in resolving the issue. i would be highly obliged.
Hello @Sachin,
Your server is fine and it should send vary fast if you updated to latest version.
If you setup server properly MW is really sending vary vary fast. even i have tested on VPS very less spec of you but its sending really fast.
I would love to help you, PM me and we will talk there.
Hey :) I can say its extremely slow, have you tried using PCNTL: Campaigns in parallel 5, Subscriber batches in parallel 20

Few Questions:
  • Server storage type SSD or HDD?
  • How much RAM / CPU being used while Campaign is being sent?
  • Both Servers (MailWizz & Exim) are hosted in same Datacenter/Location?
Hope it helps!

Hi bro,
Please what is he minimum speed of your campaign sending in 1 minutes?

We are using Cpanel/Exim here and high SSD spec server.

Hi bro,
Please what is he minimum speed of your campaign sending in 1 minutes?

We are using Cpanel/Exim here and high SSD spec server.

Hi :)

If I give you an example for one the least on dedicated server then it's around Min. 1500 to Max. 3000 Emails Per Minute on 128GB SSD + 8GB RAM + NO Control Panel + PCNTL Enabled + Archive Old Logs. If you go with higher server with good config, then the emails per minute higher.

Hi :)

If I give you an example for one the least on dedicated server then it's around Min. 1500 to Max. 3000 Emails Per Minute on 128GB SSD + 8GB RAM + NO Control Panel + PCNTL Enabled + Archive Old Logs. If you go with higher server with good config, then the emails per minute higher.


Okay. Thanks bro :)
How much RAM / CPU being used while Campaign is being sent?

At backend/misc/cron-jobs-history
Do you think the Memory Usage for "Send-campaigns" below is too low? Do you still think it needs to go more higher than this?
And how many RAM being used while your own campaign is being sent @Osjtya

Command | Action | Status | Duration | Memory usage | Date added | Options

send-campaigns index Success 12.8 seconds 4 MB 12/9/17, 8:07 PM
bounce-handler index Success 2.18 seconds 2 MB 12/9/17, 8:07 PM
process-delivery-and-bounce-log index Error 0.08 seconds 2 MB 12/9/17, 8:07 PM
send-campaigns index Success 16.16 seconds 4 MB 12/9/17, 8:06 PM
bounce-handler index Success 2.13 seconds 2 MB 12/9/17, 8:06 PM
process-delivery-and-bounce-log index Error 0.08 seconds 2 MB 12/9/17, 8:06 PM
send-transactional-emails index Success 0.07 seconds 2 MB 12/9/17, 8:06 PM
send-campaigns index Success 11.31 seconds 4 MB 12/9/17, 8:05 PM
bounce-handler index Success 2.1 seconds 2 MB 12/9/17, 8:05 PM
list-import folder Success 0.03 seconds 2 MB 12/9/17, 8:05 PM
process-delivery-and-bounce-log index Error 0.02 seconds 2 MB 12/9/17, 8:05 PM
suppression-list-import folder Error 0.05 seconds 2 MB 12/9/17, 8:05 PM
send-campaigns index Success 15.58 seconds 4 MB 12/9/17, 8:04 PM
bounce-handler index Success 2.1 seconds 2 MB 12/9/17, 8:04 PM
process-delivery-and-bounce-log index Error 0.07 seconds 2 MB 12/9/17, 8:04 PM
send-transactional-emails index Success 0.12 seconds 2 MB 12/9/17, 8:04 PM
send-campaigns index Success 14.72 seconds 4 MB 12/9/17, 8:03 PM
bounce-handler index Success 2.11 seconds 2 MB 12/9/17, 8:03 PM
process-delivery-and-bounce-log index Error 0.08 seconds 2 MB 12/9/17, 8:03 PM
send-campaigns index Success 13.64 seconds 4 MB 12/9/17, 8:02 PM
bounce-handler index Success 2.14 seconds 2 MB 12/9/17, 8:02 PM
process-delivery-and-bounce-log index Error 0.12 seconds 2 MB 12/9/17, 8:02 PM
send-transactional-emails index Success 0.11 seconds 2 MB 12/9/17, 8:02 PM
send-campaigns index Success 13.04 seconds 4 MB 12/9/17, 8:01 PM
bounce-handler index Success 2.21 seconds 2 MB 12/9/17, 8:01 PM
process-delivery-and-bounce-log index Error 0.05 seconds 2 MB 12/9/17, 8:01 PM
send-campaigns index Success 15.67 seconds 4 MB 12/9/17, 8:00 PM
feedback-loop-handler index Success 2.12 seconds 2 MB 12/9/17, 8:00 PM
bounce-handler index Success 2.16 seconds 2 MB 12/9/17, 8:00 PM
process-delivery-and-bounce-log index Error 0.2 seconds 2 MB 12/9/17, 8:00 PM
list-import folder Success 0.06 seconds 2 MB 12/9/17, 8:00 PM
suppression-list-import folder Error 0.09 seconds 2 MB 12/9/17, 8:00 PM
hourly index Success 0.27 seconds 2 MB 12/9/17, 8:00 PM
send-transactional-emails index Success 0.09 seconds 2 MB 12/9/17, 8:00 PM
send-campaigns index Success 13.68 seconds 4 MB 12/9/17, 7:59 PM
bounce-handler index Success 2.08 seconds 2 MB 12/9/17, 7:59 PM
process-delivery-and-bounce-log index Error 0.03 seconds 2 MB 12/9/17, 7:59 PM
send-campaigns index Success 13.77 seconds 4 MB 12/9/17, 7:58 PM
bounce-handler index Success 2.07 seconds 2 MB 12/9/17, 7:58 PM
process-delivery-and-bounce-log index Error 0.05 seconds 2 MB 12/9/17, 7:58 PM
send-transactional-emails index Success 0.08 seconds 2 MB 12/9/17, 7:58 PM
send-transactional-emails index Success 0.05 seconds 2 MB 12/9/17, 7:56 PM
list-import folder Success 0.02 seconds 2 MB 12/9/17, 7:55 PM
suppression-list-import folder Error 0.03 seconds 2 MB 12/9/17, 7:55 PM
send-transactional-emails index Success 0.03 seconds 2 MB 12/9/17, 7:54 PM
send-transactional-emails index Success 0.06 seconds 2 MB 12/9/17, 7:52 PM
send-transactional-emails index Success 0.03 seconds 2 MB 12/9/17, 7:50 PM
list-import folder Success 0.04 seconds 2 MB 12/9/17, 7:50 PM
suppression-list-import folder Error 0.04 seconds 2 MB 12/9/17, 7:50 PM
send-transactional-emails index Success 0.06 seconds 2 MB 12/9/17, 7:48 PM

At backend/misc/cron-jobs-history
Do you think the Memory Usage for "Send-campaigns" below is too low? Do you still think it needs to go more higher than this?
And how many RAM being used while your own campaign is being sent @Osjtya

Command | Action | Status | Duration | Memory usage | Date added | Options

send-campaigns index Success 12.8 seconds 4 MB 12/9/17, 8:07 PM
bounce-handler index Success 2.18 seconds 2 MB 12/9/17, 8:07 PM
process-delivery-and-bounce-log index Error 0.08 seconds 2 MB 12/9/17, 8:07 PM
send-campaigns index Success 16.16 seconds 4 MB 12/9/17, 8:06 PM
bounce-handler index Success 2.13 seconds 2 MB 12/9/17, 8:06 PM
process-delivery-and-bounce-log index Error 0.08 seconds 2 MB 12/9/17, 8:06 PM
send-transactional-emails index Success 0.07 seconds 2 MB 12/9/17, 8:06 PM
send-campaigns index Success 11.31 seconds 4 MB 12/9/17, 8:05 PM
bounce-handler index Success 2.1 seconds 2 MB 12/9/17, 8:05 PM
list-import folder Success 0.03 seconds 2 MB 12/9/17, 8:05 PM
process-delivery-and-bounce-log index Error 0.02 seconds 2 MB 12/9/17, 8:05 PM
suppression-list-import folder Error 0.05 seconds 2 MB 12/9/17, 8:05 PM
send-campaigns index Success 15.58 seconds 4 MB 12/9/17, 8:04 PM
bounce-handler index Success 2.1 seconds 2 MB 12/9/17, 8:04 PM
process-delivery-and-bounce-log index Error 0.07 seconds 2 MB 12/9/17, 8:04 PM
send-transactional-emails index Success 0.12 seconds 2 MB 12/9/17, 8:04 PM
send-campaigns index Success 14.72 seconds 4 MB 12/9/17, 8:03 PM
bounce-handler index Success 2.11 seconds 2 MB 12/9/17, 8:03 PM
process-delivery-and-bounce-log index Error 0.08 seconds 2 MB 12/9/17, 8:03 PM
send-campaigns index Success 13.64 seconds 4 MB 12/9/17, 8:02 PM
bounce-handler index Success 2.14 seconds 2 MB 12/9/17, 8:02 PM
process-delivery-and-bounce-log index Error 0.12 seconds 2 MB 12/9/17, 8:02 PM
send-transactional-emails index Success 0.11 seconds 2 MB 12/9/17, 8:02 PM
send-campaigns index Success 13.04 seconds 4 MB 12/9/17, 8:01 PM
bounce-handler index Success 2.21 seconds 2 MB 12/9/17, 8:01 PM
process-delivery-and-bounce-log index Error 0.05 seconds 2 MB 12/9/17, 8:01 PM
send-campaigns index Success 15.67 seconds 4 MB 12/9/17, 8:00 PM
feedback-loop-handler index Success 2.12 seconds 2 MB 12/9/17, 8:00 PM
bounce-handler index Success 2.16 seconds 2 MB 12/9/17, 8:00 PM
process-delivery-and-bounce-log index Error 0.2 seconds 2 MB 12/9/17, 8:00 PM
list-import folder Success 0.06 seconds 2 MB 12/9/17, 8:00 PM
suppression-list-import folder Error 0.09 seconds 2 MB 12/9/17, 8:00 PM
hourly index Success 0.27 seconds 2 MB 12/9/17, 8:00 PM
send-transactional-emails index Success 0.09 seconds 2 MB 12/9/17, 8:00 PM
send-campaigns index Success 13.68 seconds 4 MB 12/9/17, 7:59 PM
bounce-handler index Success 2.08 seconds 2 MB 12/9/17, 7:59 PM
process-delivery-and-bounce-log index Error 0.03 seconds 2 MB 12/9/17, 7:59 PM
send-campaigns index Success 13.77 seconds 4 MB 12/9/17, 7:58 PM
bounce-handler index Success 2.07 seconds 2 MB 12/9/17, 7:58 PM
process-delivery-and-bounce-log index Error 0.05 seconds 2 MB 12/9/17, 7:58 PM
send-transactional-emails index Success 0.08 seconds 2 MB 12/9/17, 7:58 PM
send-transactional-emails index Success 0.05 seconds 2 MB 12/9/17, 7:56 PM
list-import folder Success 0.02 seconds 2 MB 12/9/17, 7:55 PM
suppression-list-import folder Error 0.03 seconds 2 MB 12/9/17, 7:55 PM
send-transactional-emails index Success 0.03 seconds 2 MB 12/9/17, 7:54 PM
send-transactional-emails index Success 0.06 seconds 2 MB 12/9/17, 7:52 PM
send-transactional-emails index Success 0.03 seconds 2 MB 12/9/17, 7:50 PM
list-import folder Success 0.04 seconds 2 MB 12/9/17, 7:50 PM
suppression-list-import folder Error 0.04 seconds 2 MB 12/9/17, 7:50 PM
send-transactional-emails index Success 0.06 seconds 2 MB 12/9/17, 7:48 PM

RAM usage is about 7-8GB (Around Full). Do check your PHP config for allowed RAM.