Share lists between customers

I'm curious about this too. We are a small office and sometimes I send emails but sometimes one of my co-workers will. I gaver her access to mailwizz but she can't see the lists I've developed.
We're working on sub-accounts, which is actually the last thing we have to have done before releasing 2.x.
So once this is done, a master account can have sub-accounts which will have access to all the master account lists, features, etc,.
Hi @twisted1919. In my use case we have a master list of 1000 records. We have 10 customers/brands that we set campaigns for and send to that same list for all customers/brands. We control that list and do not share the email addresses with our customers. Their campaign results show open and click numbers, and we mask the, eg **** clicked link 1 at YY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.

All emails come from our domain, but depending on the customer/brand we're sending on behalf of, their product will feature as the main content of the email.

In our current system i have to have 10 separate versions of the same master list, and i have to administer each one separately.

I'd like one master list with tags for customer 1,2,3, etc. And an end recipient can opt which customer/brand they want to receive from.

Is this possible now, or will it be possible in version 2.x with sub accounts?

Likewise we don't want customer/brand1 to see the campaign results of a campaign for customer/brand2.

Hope that all makes sense,

Many thanks.
Likewise we don't want customer/brand1 to see the campaign results of a campaign for customer/brand2.
This will not work with v2's subaccounts feature as all subaccounts either have access to view campaigns or they don't.

For now it seems you'll have to stick with your current approach.
any timelines by when we can expect this update to be rolled out?
v2 is out for a while now, but only for people that opted-in to use it (we had a forum announcement related to this), so right now we're mostly waiting feedback as we think 2.x is ready.
actually pupose of cental databse list or admin list is that some time clients don have data and we have to provide that data so that they can send mails from their panel. At same time this lists should not be exportable from clients panel. Possible ?