Sending Quota


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For these settings. If I send a broadcast of 2,000 emails... 1,000 will be sent at first, and then mailwizz will automatically resume sending the remaining 1,000 at the end of the hour?
Actually no, it won't work like so.
The customer will be able to send 1k emails in one hour and then that's all, nothing else.
If you want him to be able to send 1000k per hour, then next hour another 1000 and so on, best is to assign him a delivery server with that sending quota. otherwise, if you prefer customer groups (though they were not meant for such usage) you have to set a proper "Action when quota reached" in this case, to reset the counters for a fresh start.
Text of above this settings page:
A sending quota of 1000 with a time value of 1 and a time unit of Day means the customer is able to send 1000 emails during 1 day.
If waiting is enabled and the customer sends all emails in an hour, he will wait 23 more hours until the specified action is taken.
However, if the waiting is disabled, the action will be taken immediatly.

Perhaps the text above that settings page needs some adaptation then, to make this clear and avoid confusion (as this question seems to come up time and again).
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@frm.mwz - i am open to alternative text :D
Will think about it and get back to it here, with (initially probably wrong) examples, as the first line in the settings seems clear, the second has a few options, they pose the questions.

...a few ideas...needs adaptation, but it shows a little what was meant with examples, so that ideally it cannot be misunderstood (hopefully no added knot!)...

please fill in the //please specify//
or improve the whole thing ;)

A sending quota of 1000 with a time value of 1 and a time unit of Day
means the customer is able to send 1000 emails during 1 day.

If 'waiting' is enabled and the customer sends all emails in an hour,
he will wait 23 more hours until the specified action is taken.

For example, if the action selected is:
'do nothing', then customer cannot send more emails when/if/until //please specify//
'reset counters', then customer can send more emails when/if/until //please specify//
'move customer to group', then customer will be moved to chosen group and sending will continue when/if/until //specify when//

However, if 'waiting' is disabled, the action will be taken immediately.
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Actually no, it won't work like so.
The customer will be able to send 1k emails in one hour and then that's all, nothing else.
If you want him to be able to send 1000k per hour, then next hour another 1000 and so on, best is to assign him a delivery server with that sending quota. otherwise, if you prefer customer groups (though they were not meant for such usage) you have to set a proper "Action when quota reached" in this case, to reset the counters for a fresh start.

@twisted1919 & @Scott
just tested that with 5 emails allowed in 5 minutes, and it does not reset the quota in the display (but it does reset it in reality), so the resetting at the end of the 5 minutes works

the problem with the 'sending' tab is, that one has to have all criteria explanations fully in mind when reading each (and even that might not be enough without testing, and some folks then give up) and some of the logic is negative, and that does not easily go through the mind of the user (who is usually occupied with other things) this is one of the reasons I suggested to reword this whole tab and to have a thorough backend user guide, and key examples directly on that (and any other important) tab page (please)

(this is pretty important and urgent and easy to do)


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@frm.mwz - i think the best is to have a link to a KB article explaining in detail everything related to that tab because it might need a lot of explanation and it might bot be nice to include there(in the tab) dozen lines of writing.
@frm.mwz - i think the best is to have a link to a KB article explaining in detail everything related to that tab because it might need a lot of explanation and it might bot be nice to include there(in the tab) dozen lines of writing.

yes short & sweet is desired...but most short answers are wrong... and the solution...well, in this case, might be re-wording that tab (have already a file open just for that with some ideas, will send when ready), if possible.
for the time being, kb, agreed, with examples (each time the question comes up, either pointing to an example or creating one to cover the question).