Sending limits issue


New Member
I realised there’s been issues with the system over sending the limits and not sure where to troubleshoot it
My settings was set at 20, daily 480. Works fine, however when I switched it midday to 28 hourly I noticed my campaign suddenly shot to sending over 100++ within that hour.

Question. If my goal is X per hour, do I leave my daily/monthly setting at 0? Or still modify them so daily is 24X and monthly at 720x?

What has priority, the mailwizz limit settings or the max settings at the pmta config file? And which takes precedence over which? (Daily hourly monthly)

Thanks Twisted!

For a situation like mine above, any suggestions how do I troubleshoot where went wrong, or see delivery numbers logs etc.
any suggestions how do I troubleshoot where went wrong
We have a table, called delivery_server_usage_log, where we hold information about each and any email that goes out, like the delivery server that sent it and the time when it did, and more. You can take a look there and count the emails sent in a given timeframe to see what exactly has happened. You can cross reference this table with campaign_delivery_log, which contains a FK to delivery_server table. The campaign_delivery_log is the table that records all campaign emails.
Use a tool like PhpMyAdmin, it's much simpler than doing it from command line. Your hosting company should offer phpmyadmin, otherwise i can assume you can just install it.