Sending and Tracking Domains


New Member
I notice in MailWizz, you can add tracking domains as well as sending domains.
When using API's such as Mailgun and SparkPost, i notice they have an option to add and set this up also.

My question is if I use the API's as my deliverability medium, do I actually need to set this up in MailWizz?

Please let me know

Hi twisted1919,

Base on you comment above, when will you setup sending domains and tracking domains on MW?

I am a newbie, so each customer with a new domain, should I create their domain key and tracking on smtp server for this example sparkpost.


I would prefer to setup MW this up in this way.

I have setup Delivery servers for example. All customers are assigned to this server,

Customer signs up and they setup their own sending domain and tracking server on MW via the customer frontend.

Will Sparkpost for example identity these users as authenticate sender when they send a campaign?

PS - Love the script!
@kattapug - I always said that tracking/sending domains in mailwizz have to be used as a last alternative, you should use them only if your provider can't help you with this.
In Sparkpost case, they do help you with this, so you don't have to use mailwizz for this, just verify your domain with SparkPost and your emails will all be DKIM signed and land inbox.

I am a newbie, so each customer with a new domain, should I create their domain key and tracking on smtp server for this example sparkpost.
Yes, you have to, all smtp providers move ahead this approach.

Hope it makes sense.