send email 1 day after link clicked. Is that possible?


Active Member
I have a client who wants to send autoresponders 1 day after a specific link is clicked and it's a large chain of emails. So each email sent has a link and then the next email in the series would send 24 hours after the link in the email is clicked.

I know this is possible by moving subscribers into a new list but that would get really complicated for this client. It would require about 50 lists do it that way. Is there a better way that I am not thinking of, where the subscribers could stay in the same list? Has anyone accomplished something like this?

@corey34 - why not update a custom field with a certain value when the link is clicked then segment by that value and send an AR to only people in that segment?
That is an option, although not the perfect solution, unless I am missing something. He wants the next email to send 24 hours later. But if I do as you suggest, won't that send that email right away?
Right, although I want it to be 24 hours after click. I might not be explaining myself well.

My client has 50 emails he wants to send but each one he wants to send 24 hours after the link in the previous email is sent. So, for example, a subscriber signs up now and get the first email but doesn't click the link for 10 hours. I want the next email to be sent 24 hours after the link click, which equates to 34 hours after subscribing. Then the next email shouldn't be sent until 24 hours after the link in email 2 is clicked. If I choose 24 hours after subscribing, that wouldn't accomplish what I'm trying to do.

Right, although I want it to be 24 hours after click. I might not be explaining myself well.

My client has 50 emails he wants to send but each one he wants to send 24 hours after the link in the previous email is sent. So, for example, a subscriber signs up now and get the first email but doesn't click the link for 10 hours. I want the next email to be sent 24 hours after the link click, which equates to 34 hours after subscribing. Then the next email shouldn't be sent until 24 hours after the link in email 2 is clicked. If I choose 24 hours after subscribing, that wouldn't accomplish what I'm trying to do.

Would it work, if on link click, the sub is moved to the next AR, which sends 24h after subscription?
Are you saying on link click to move the subscriber to a new list, which then has that AR in it? If that is what you are saying, then yes, that works. Although in this user's case he would need to have 50 lists which isn't ideal. So I was wondering if anyone knew of a way to do this in 1 list.

Are you saying on link click to move the subscriber to a new list, which then has that AR in it? If that is what you are saying, then yes, that works. Although in this user's case he would need to have 50 lists which isn't ideal. So I was wondering if anyone knew of a way to do this in 1 list.

Yes, you said it at the top, and I overlooked it when just reading the last posts.
In such case, it would be great to have a time delay when field changes are done (or taken into account), which seems simple, but might be complicated to implement, do you see a simple way (like an extra table for the hourly cron or so) for this @twisted1919 ?