Seems that bounces aren't processed, what can i do?

Does it really say in your backend to use /usr/bin/php-cli ? and not /usr/bin/php5

Have you checked the cron logs on your server (not MW logs) to see if they are actually firing?
This is what I see from the logs:
Aug 6 07:40:01 mw CROND[30425]: (mydomainname) CMD (/usr/bin/php-cli -q /home/mydomainname/public_html/apps/console/console.php bounce-handler >/dev/null 2>&1)
Aug 6 07:40:01 mw CROND[30424]: (root) CMD (/usr/local/cpanel/whostmgr/bin/dnsqueue > /dev/null 2>&1)
If you run from command line, couples of times, the command:
/usr/bin/php-cli -q /home/mydomainname/public_html/apps/console/console.php bounce-handler
What do you get? Does it returns quickly, or it takes a while to complete?
This is not good, 10 seconds is the time to loop through all of them without actually connecting and fetching info.
One more thing, please run:
/usr/bin/php-cli -r 'var_dump(extension_loaded("imap") && function_exists("imap_open"));'
What's the output?
Ok, do you think you can PM me with your server ssh login info and mailwizz backend so that i can look into this?
@johnjeff - i thought i have answered this, my bad.
So, in order for the emails to be processed, they have to land in the email box that you used as a bounce server and they have to stay there so that mailwizz can connect, download and process them.
This is the only way it works.