Second time subscription confirmation click


New Member
I use default extension(List form custom redirect) to redirect subscribers to a custom page after they click "confirm subscription".

The problem is - if they are clicking it second time, they got redirected to the update profile page. How to fix it so it will always redirect to specified URL?
The problem is - if they are clicking it second time, they got redirected to the update profile page. How to fix it so it will always redirect to specified URL?
This is really dirty but what you could do is to go to your list, edit it, and enter same url in the Sub. exists redirect url field...
No, it doesn't work on the second click. It works only if a subscriber using some form to subscribe for the second time. I'm talking about 2nd click on confirm subscription link in email.

P.S. Dirty. LOL. Dirty to redirect to a profile, users can't find a link to download my plugin because of this unexpected behavior.
I'm having this same challenge. I'd like to prevent the redirect to the profile page on the 2nd+ click on subscription confirmation links. If I could specify a custom url, that would be workable. I tried the above recommendation to change the Sub. exists redirect url field, and that did not change mailwizz's behavior.

Has anything changed since the last post in this thread?
It's not possible to do this from mailwizz, the only way you can do is form .htaccess
It's not possible to do this from mailwizz, the only way you can do is form .htaccess
If that is the .htaccess that is written by mwz into the mwz directory, then why not give the option in the program to set per list the second/consecutive redirections?