Rotate From email


a quick question @twisted1919

I am using MailWizz with PMTA which allow relaying, so I can use 1 SMTP account to send mail from any email address within domain (news@domain, notice@domain, ...)

Is there a way to rotate From Mail without adding a new delivery server? [RANDOM_CONTENT is not allowed there. Or is there a way to export a delivery server with all its fields. When I export delivery server I see not all fields are in csv file.

PS: I just expanded my support for 12months
its very time consuming :) I am searching for the quickest way to do this. I did it with copy option but it took forever to do this for 6 domains each with 10 delivery servers.
I can understand that, unfortunately we cannot rotate the from either, because that can cause emails to not deliver, so this is your best bet afaik.
is a way to export CSV ( all the data include passwords), edit, and import CSV all config related to the SMTP accounts?
so there you can add manual easy the users you want, these users will rotate From Mail?
( I haven't tried this method that way I ask.)
is a way to export CSV ( all the data include passwords), edit, and import CSV all config related to the SMTP accounts?
so there you can add manual easy the users you want, these users will rotate From Mail?
In Backend > Servers > Export button. This will export all delivery servers in CSV file then you can modify this file and import again using import button.
so if we export all delivery servers in CSV file then you can modify this file and import again using the import button,
this may be the solution of rotating From Mail?