Registration Confirmation Query

Recently I got too much spam registrations of the website. so I enabled the approval required thing for the app to combat the spam registrations.

The question is, Once we have approved the customer, Does he get any email of the approval or not? Or is there anyway to let them know that they have been approved?

When they register, I can see a notice over there stating waiting for an admin to approve the registration, but are they notified when they are approved ?

Why not simply enable Recaptcha, from the extensions list, then enable it for login/registration too.
but are they notified when they are approved ?
Yes, they are.

W/i mwz, a notice appears on the dashboard, after the admin approves a pending customer:
"A notification email has been sent for this customer!"

and an email is sent and reads
Congratulations, your account on ESP has been approved and you can now login using the url below:
If for some reason you cannot click the above url, please paste this one into your browser address bar:

Just check it out with a mock registration :cool: