Recurring... How is this working, exactly?

Cyril Malka

I have a course going on for 21 days. Each day, a new lesson is avalaible (exactly 24 hours after the member subscribed). So I send a reminder mail wit the exact same text automatically once a day at that time.

I am not sure how it works with mailwizz.

I can't make a recurrent mail in the autoresponder section, it seems. I have to make a "regular" mail and use the "recurring" function.

But what happens if I choose: "Every day" at "every hour", "every minute", with a maximum of 20 mails? Will the member receive 20 mails every minute, every hour and every day or 20 mails in one day or one mail every day for 20 days? Or... How is this working, exactly?

Thank you in advance for your answers.


@Cyril Malka - In your case, use autoresponders, they are better fitted for your use case.
Recurring campaigns is used when, let's say for example, you want to send a certain newsletter once a week, say, a list of blog posts via rss. In this case, you set a recurring campaign which will send each week.

That's what I thought at first, and I tried to do it, but it doesn't look like I can send the same mail every day.

It looks like I have to copy 20 times the same mail then. And I have serveral lists. That will make about 100 copies of the same mail.

I need to send the same mail "your lesson is ready" 20 times.


I need to send the same mail "your lesson is ready" 20 times.
I am not sure why you would need this, but if you really need to send same email 20 times, you can send recurring campaigns and set the maximum numbers of recurring campaigns to 20.
But again, i think autoresponders are the way to do it, unless you really have some awkward requirements.
I need to do this because the lessons are lock and get unlocked one at a time, once a day. It is called "dripfeed". Therefore, when the lesson is availaible, I send a message (rather, my autoresponder does) that the customer can access the day's lesson.

Since the lesson is always on the same page. It is the exact same mail I need to send 20 times with a "hello, today's lesson is now avalaible, you can access it by clicking on this link". Just like I stated in my first mail.

If it is impossible to send the same mail several time with your autoresponder, that means I have to make 20 copies of the exact same mail.

And I have to do that for each one of my list (I have five of this kind at the moment). That will take a lot of time and be very messy.

So no, no awkward requirements. But maybe a missing functionnality.

