Random sender mail


New Member
I'm trying to do the initial setup of MW. Now I'm having trouble with a sender's address.

My steps:
1. I add my own SMTP from backend. I use my own server and I have two addresses for send: 1@domain.com and 2@domain.com
2. I open a customer panel and create a new list (with 1@domain.com).
3. I create a new campaign (with 1@domain.com ofc) and run shedule. I repeat this step a few times.

Every time I get a different sender address (1 or 2). Why???

I tried to change the sender-address in the list and in the campaign, but nothing changed. Nothing...

What am I doing wrong?
The steps to add my own SMTP are not correct?

I plan to use MW only for my staff. Each employee has multiple addresses for lists.

1 employee = 1 customer account, but he may have multiple addresses.

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That's because the campaign will use any of the available delivery servers, and it is the email address from the delivery server that is used in the campaign, regardless of your campaign settings for the "FROM" email.

You may wonder why it works like so, and it is a legit question.

The answer is, if we allow you to use any email address, for example, whatever email address is added in the campaign setup step, your delivery server will most likely reject the emails, so you'll end up with the inability to send emails.

When you are sure your delivery server allows this behavior, or if you want to try and see if it is allowed, the the delivery server has a setting called "Force FROM", which is set to Always. Set it to Never, this way MailWizz will not force the FROM address for emails, so in the case of campaigns, it will use the FROM address from your campaign settings.

If the above leads to your sending being rejected, you will have to work on your smtp servers configuration to allow this behavior. It has nothing to do with MailWizz itself.

I plan to use MW only for my staff. Each employee has multiple addresses for lists.
If the above won't fly, what you can do is to allow customers, staff members in your case, to select delivery servers for campaigns. You can allow this from Backend > Settings > Customers > Campaigns (same path in customer groups if you use them).
Then assign the right delivery servers to your staff members, and they will be able to select them for each campaign, this way they'll make sure to select the delivery server that matches the email address they use in the campaign.
Если вышеперечисленное не сработает, вы можете включить в группу в следующем случае, выбрать серверы доставки для выборки. Вы можете разрешить это в Backend > Settings > Customers > Campaigns (тот же путь в группах клиентов, если вы их используете).
Затем назначьте нужные серверы доставки своим сотрудникам, и они смогут выбирать их для каждой кампании, таким образом они будут выбирать сервер доставки, соответствующий адресу электронной почты, который они используют в кампании.
The first option works. Thanks!
But I couldn't find the settings you mentioned for the second option with select the delivery server.
I go to Backend > Settings > Customers > Campaigns, but I don't see the settings to control selection. Can you help me please with it?