Problem with login


New Member
Good morning,
I have tred to install MailWizz.
I proceed with everything, delate install folder and now I try to login.
Unfortunately my e-mail address and password is incorrect. I want to "remind the password", put my e-mail address and receive information: "invalid e-mail".

Could you please help me?
Good morning,
I have tred to install MailWizz.
I proceed with everything, delate install folder and now I try to login.
Unfortunately my e-mail address and password is incorrect. I want to "remind the password", put my e-mail address and receive information: "invalid e-mail".

Could you please help me?
If the email address is wrong or mwz cannot send yet, then you need to reset the pwd via phpmyadmin or from mysql cli. Or you just reinstall mwz, since probly not much will be lost. And it is good exercise :)
Thank you for tour reply.
Could you please let me know how to reinstall? Should I delate everything from the server?
Thank you for tour reply.
Could you please let me know how to reinstall? Should I delate everything from the server?
Not sure what server or control panel you have, but if you want a short cut, then just delete and then recreate the database and delete the contents of the mwz folder and copy the contents of the 'latest' folder from the mwz program zip into the mwz folder again. Then go again to the install page and do the short procedure, similar to this: