Problem with Delivery Server Activation System When Tracking Link is activated!!

pradeep sharma

Active Member
Hi @twisted1919

There is a Serious Know Problem with How Delivery Server Activation Works when the tracking domain is activated in the delivery server.

1. The Problem

When we or customer add a server with a tracking domain, then mailwizz sends email with Tracking domain (This seems absolutely fine), but when we click on the link it redirects to the application login page. and you cant make the delivery server active if you have Tracking domain active, the technical problem is activation link in wrapped with a tracking domain (which is not the main domain) and there is no session in an application for backend login using the tracking domain, so you cant make delivery server activation if tracking active.

Possible solution!!

Delivery server activation link with tracking domain must bypass session to get this activated else it has not meaning when it needs a login session to get activated, of course, its an especially email and if someone is getting this email then the link must be clickable and honored if that domain is rightly pointing to mailwizz application.

We are in the testing stage and we offered our platform to some of our customers then trust me.. no one was able to activate the delivery server if there was a tracking domain activated in the delivery server.

I believe this is a problem since the very start days of the mailwizz and why someone has not yet pointed this and get this corrected.

PS: My application is hosted on 1 IP with Mailwiz being a default domain/server on Webserver. and can be opened by IP address, and CNAME records be correctly pointed to mailwizz.

I May be wrong if there is any setting if i am missing, apologies!!


We will remove the tracking domain handling when validating a delivery server.
