

New Member
I can't seem to get either my regular campaigns or autoresponders out of the pending-sending status.

Does anyone know how to do this?

I've checked the cron job that were set up and they seem fine. I was able to get one message send the other day but any new ones I add, they go into this status and won't send.

Backend > Settings > Cron, try to set "Adjust campaigns at once" to yes. Then give it 30 mins or so and see if the campaigns start sending.
Thanks. I was already at "Adjust campaigns at one" to YES,

I just have a test campaign with 3 subscribers and somehow was able to get an email sent on 2/5, but anything after that is just pending-sending.

I'm just not sure if I should ask my host to re-boot my server to see if something got stuck or not.

I saw in the Miscellaneous => Emergency Actions ... the "Campaign status" and clicked that and received a --> Your action completed successfully.

If the date on a regular campaign is prior to today, does it have to be changed to a current date and time in order for it to be seen as a valid send?
I also have my hosting at CST and I am in EST. The times that are showing in the Regular Campaigns => Send At for 2/7/23 9:00am, will they have to wait one hour till my server is at that time because the server time now is only 8:00am?
I worked it out with my host as they reported back to me the the "cron responsible had a sytax error" and they fixed it.

All of my campaigns are now working and sending.

Thanks for the help.