Order Confirmation / Notice / Invoice / Renew


Hello guys,

Help me please...

1. If someone made an order does it send a confirmation to their emails?

2. Is there a way we can send an invoice 7 days prior to customer expiration if they are on a monthly plan? And also send email notice if customers credits are very low?

3. Assuming I setup a monthly service and then a customer renew earlier (before day of expiration) does it add up 1 month service to the original date of purchased/subscription?

4. Also for the credits plan, does it add up to their current credit balance on top?

I hope someone here can give me some enlightenment regarding these questions...

And hope this can also help for others.

1. If someone made an order does it send a confirmation to their emails?
It does.

2. Is there a way we can send an invoice 7 days prior to customer expiration if they are on a monthly plan? And also send email notice if customers credits are very low?
We don't have this at the moment.

3. Assuming I setup a monthly service and then a customer renew earlier (before day of expiration) does it add up 1 month service to the original date of purchased/subscription?
Nope, it resets the quota and starts fresh with the new one.

4. Also for the credits plan, does it add up to their current credit balance on top?
Nope, it resets the quota and starts fresh with the new one.

Sorry, I am not going to start a new thread on this. Hence continuing with this one.

Please add this feature, when ever clients are renewing the order, either we have to wait or extra credits or additional groups needs to be created. Many of our clients say its very unprofessional of us to reset their balance quota.
is there any news regards:
3. Assuming I setup a monthly service and then a customer renew earlier (before day of expiration) does it add up 1 month service to the original date of purchased/subscription?
* My customer renewed his package because he was intended to send a large list and his account was short just by few credits,
So when he renewed to new package, his counter was reset and he lost the credits that he had from previous package.
This customer setting are:
Wait for quota to expire : Yes
Action when quota reached: do nothing
Time value : 1
Time unit : month

*what can i do to change this behavior ?
so when customer purchase new package his available credits from previous package will be added to the new package?
or to disable counter reset when not all credit were used?

so when customer purchase new package his available credits from previous package will be added to the new package?
When new customer purchase new plan then all quota will be reseted and added to the new group with new quota from that group.
When new customer purchase new plan then all quota will be reseted and added to the new group with new quota from that group.
This doesn't answer my problem,
I'm talking about existing customer that doesn't change groups,
He wants to buy more credits just because his list of 101K can't be sent due to 100K credits balance.
So when he buy new package he loses his 100K credits because of the counter reset (this behavior doesn't make sense) ,
how do i disable the counter reset so my customers won't lose credits? (or any other idea how to deal with this case)

The quota cannot be reported from a cycle to another. This is not possible.

The quota cannot be reported from a cycle to another. This is not possible.

Is there a way to just accept the payment and have no affect on the system?
(no reset counter, no credits added)
I wish to just receive the payment and I'll add the credits manually and reset counter if needed (it used to work that way in the past if i recall correctly)

Is there a way to just accept the payment and have no affect on the system?
(no reset counter, no credits added)
I wish to just receive the payment and I'll add the credits manually and reset counter if needed (it used to work that way in the past if i recall correctly)
No, that is not possible.
3. Assuming I setup a monthly service and then a customer renew earlier (before day of expiration) does it add up 1 month service to the original date of purchased/subscripti
Nope, it resets the quota and starts fresh with the new one.

@twisted1919 Will this improvement be added in the future?

It can also be as a topup/add-on order to add to the customer quota. This way the customer can stay in their Plan/Subscription (Group), but they can always add extra credit to their total quota.