Open registration

I'm sorry, not owning the English language it is difficult to focus on the forum.
Therefore, I ask all the questions right.
I am looking for a ticket or a manual, how to set up an open registration customers to sent an email confirmation and so on.
Also, how do I change the appearance of the login page?
translate her lines and remove the extra line?
tickets are here
or do you mean something else?

mailwizz manual is here
or do you mean something else?

> how to set up an open registration customers to sent an email confirmation
What do you mean with this? Can you explain the steps you want to happen?

One way of changing the appearance of the login page is to go to a modern browser and right click on what you want to change, then choose 'inspect element' and then see where in the underlying code you need to make changes. Otherwise, ask your developer. Some of the aspects of the customer/backend area can be changed in

Feel free to keep asking more specifically.
@frm.mwz - i guess @Artem Shymilov is referring onto how to enable registration for customers?
If that's the case, the right place for this is backend > settings > customers > registration.
There I turned on the registration, but the user who logged on to the registration page does not receive confirmation of registration.

> In general, I would like to understand how you see the algorithm of the script as a saas.
> Whether there is a manual how to better configure the service for his work as an example of Mailchamp
>mailwizz manual is here
There is a similar manual only for backend
There I turned on the registration, but the user who logged on to the registration page does not receive confirmation of registration.
By default, emails are sent using transaction Emails feature, which means it takes a while for the emails to get sent. you can look in backend > misc > transactional emails in order to find out if the email has been sent or not.
Alternatively, you can go to Backend > Settings > Customers > Registration and change the delivery method, from transactional, to direct, which will force sending emails immediately.


good afternoon
Thank you for this answer.
One file that you provide it for the frontend?
The fact that I use a template LONDON

What shall I do with your template?
@Artem Shymilov Hi, this template is only start point. If you use a London template - that's really great. You can modify files in template package to your to meet your requirements. If you don't know how to do this, you should look for a developer ;)