Notification order



Is it possible that i get a notification (email) when a customer want to upgrade, so i can send the invoice end change the group. Now i have to check every day in the backend if a customer makes a order.

Many thanks.
Did you setup pricing plans ?

If your customer buy any price plans, then you will notify as well Invoice emailed to customer, if you have setup price plan from backend.
Thanks, everything is correct, i mean: is it possible that i get a notification when someone buys a price plan.
@jeroen - Usually you can set this up from the payment provider, stripe, paypal, etc, gives you this option, to get notified when a purchase is made.
That is why mailwizz doesn't send such email.
Hi, its not a big problem, i only have to check every day in the backend if i got a order. I it also possible to send a invoice to the costumer with one delivery server, because if have 2 delivery servers, sometimes its sends with server 1 and sometimes with server 2, server 1 is not good because the pdf file cannot be opent by the costumer. See example


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