MW is using delivery server hour quota as total volume


hey all,

got a weird one.

So i am using Segments to send my emails now, of openers i have flagged from previous sends.

I set a hourly limit on the delivery server. Press send and after 1-2 hours the email send is listed as 100% completed, having either just sent 1 hours worth of server quota (not customer quota) and the rest of the email volume is not sent all. Really weird and its never happened before.

So for example, i have a segment of 10,000 subscribers, i set the delivery server to 50 per hour. Either 50 or 100 gets sent before the campaign is listed as 100% sent.

There are no customer quota limits.
I am sending through PCNTL
using version

1 minute after send i am getting this error, which repeats for an hour until campaign says it has sent;

2017/01/22 17:11:03 [error] [application] Cannot find a valid server to send the campaign email, aborting until a delivery server is available!

As far as my settings go i am not setting any limits apart from 50 per hours in the delivery server. There is no month quota at all.

I don't think pcntl is pushing too many emails in at once, the server itself is approved. What could i possibly be missing here?

other app logging i guess is this;

2017/01/22 22:40:55 [error] [exception.CHttpException.404] exception 'CHttpException' with message 'The system is unable to find the requested action "fv103pk8qr6da".' in /home/public_html/mailwizz/apps/common/framework/web/CController.php:483
Stack trace:
#0 /home/public_html/mailwizz/apps/common/framework/web/CController.php(270): CController->missingAction('fv103pk8qr6da')
#1 /home/public_html/mailwizz/apps/common/framework/web/CWebApplication.php(282): CController->run('fv103pk8qr6da')
#2 /home/public_html/mailwizz/apps/common/framework/web/CWebApplication.php(141): CWebApplication->runController('campaigns/fv103...')
#3 /home/public_html/mailwizz/apps/common/framework/base/CApplication.php(185): CWebApplication->processRequest()
#4 /home/public_html/mailwizz/apps/init.php(227): CApplication->run()
#5 /home/public_html/mailwizz/index.php(18): require_once('/home/pu...')
#6 {main}

would really appreciate any help

i updated to latest now.

It ran for longer this time but still same result. This time i didnt use a segment, only delivery server throttling @ 50 per hour which is the output my smtp provider allows whilst i test them. It is not via API, i have set up a SMTP server for this.

out of a total volume of 30,000, it sent 550 only over like 9 hours. Before finishing.

Seeing these errors in the app log;

2017/01/24 09:21:06 [error] [application] Cannot find a valid server to send the campaign email, aborting until a delivery server is available!
2017/01/24 09:22:06 [error] [application] Cannot find a valid server to send the campaign email, aborting until a delivery server is available!
2017/01/24 09:23:05 [error] [application] Cannot find a valid server to send the campaign email, aborting until a delivery server is available!
2017/01/24 09:24:06 [error] [application] Cannot find a valid server to send the campaign email, aborting until a delivery server is available!
2017/01/24 09:25:06 [error] [application] Cannot find a valid server to send the campaign email, aborting until a delivery server is available!

2017/01/24 12:28:02 [error] [exception.CDbException] SQLSTATE[08004] [1040] Too many connections

my other campaign i was running at the same time seemed to load and work fine into PMTA. No segmentation, full volume no limitation. Just a thought though. Are my cron settings for volume screwing up the delivery server per hour capping? Hence the 'cannot find server' errors above? Are my settings flooding a 50 per hour server until it cannot cope any longer?


so that is basically killing the campaign and telling it to finish early?

If so, how can i get around this scenario. I need a system that can send heavily, but also use delivery server capping when needed. I should be able to keep the cron settings at whatever really and the system should know how to behave?

so that is basically killing the campaign and telling it to finish early?
Not if your PMTA behind another DS is set to go forever.

If so, how can i get around this scenario. I need a system that can send heavily, but also use delivery server capping when needed. I should be able to keep the cron settings at whatever really and the system should know how to behave?
You have 'customer groups' and 'DS limits' and 'change server at' and 'cron' settings, which usually do the trick.
yeah i don't want it to rotate between servers. Seperate sends for different things are using their own servers.

This campaign that is being killed early is not using a PMTA server at all.. Bit of a problem really

noticed in my campaigns setting the change server is set at 8000.. Not sure if this is messing with anything but i have disabled it now.

Will test again, or flood the volume to sit at the SMTP company and let them flow rate it, otherwise will ask twisted once i've sorted my support pack, just noticed it expired.. o_O

thanks for your help man
@twisted1919 hey, have renewed my support package now, so wondered if you can help me out please

So essentially with the above settings i want to keep for outputting pcntl high volume, and subscribers at once.

But i cannot flow rate an email campaign, based on the delivery server per hour settings, i will now need this in the future. The sending process is basically ignoring it.

If i want to send 10,000 subscribers, @ 50 subscribers per hour, it will all send as fast as it wants, 50 subscribers will give the 'success' response and the other 9,950 will give a 'giveup' response. Either because they of course cannot find another server or whatever i guess..

If im lucky it will run for like 2 hours and then stop/"complete"

what an earth do i do to solve this? As far as i believe, it should regardless of how fast my backend settings are, only send as fast as the delivery server allows

yeah i don't want it to rotate between servers. Seperate sends for different things are using their own servers.

This campaign that is being killed early is not using a PMTA server at all.. Bit of a problem really

noticed in my campaigns setting the change server is set at 8000.. Not sure if this is messing with anything but i have disabled it now.

Will test again, or flood the volume to sit at the SMTP company and let them flow rate it, otherwise will ask twisted once i've sorted my support pack, just noticed it expired.. o_O

thanks for your help man

@twisted1919 hey, have renewed my support package now, so wondered if you can help me out please

So essentially with the above settings i want to keep for outputting pcntl high volume, and subscribers at once.

But i cannot flow rate an email campaign, based on the delivery server per hour settings, i will now need this in the future. The sending process is basically ignoring it.

If i want to send 10,000 subscribers, @ 50 subscribers per hour, it will all send as fast as it wants, 50 subscribers will give the 'success' response and the other 9,950 will give a 'giveup' response. Either because they of course cannot find another server or whatever i guess..

If im lucky it will run for like 2 hours and then stop/"complete"

what an earth do i do to solve this? As far as i believe, it should regardless of how fast my backend settings are, only send as fast as the delivery server allows


Ideally update the app before using these settings, as the sending process has been improved since your above quoted version.

One way to achieve what you want (not rotate DS; separate sends for different things using their own DS)
would be to use 'customer groups' and get the settings right for your desired !50 subscribers per hour!
in the group's 'campaign' tab:
Subscribers at once: 1
Send at once: 1

Pause: 0

Emails per minute: 1
Change server at: 0

and in the 'sending' tab (to avoid banging at the DS door 60-50=10x/h):
Sending quota: 50
Time unit: hour

and in the DS for this group:
Hourly quota: 50

Hope that helps ;)
I couldn't set the subscribers at once to 1, only 5. Which created the same scenario where i was sending more than the server allowed, resulted in a 'giveup' response. Will open a ticket as this isn't the perfect long term solution anyway

appreciate the help though
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the same scenario where i was sending more than the server allowed, resulted in a 'giveup' response. Will open a ticket as this isn't the perfect long term solution anyway
Could this be addressed by allowing options for GiveUp to retry same/next cron with same/next DS or do we have only the option to increase the number in 'Max. fatal errors' (which is a broader category)? Perhaps the bounce rules could have a table where the categorization the user would do could entail the code (e.g. 550, 451, etc) and the phrase (e.g. temporary block, does not exist, too many connections, etc) and the source (e.g.,,, etc), as different ISP admins set servers to react differently (and this would then all go into custom-rules)? I know this is already partially in place, but perhaps there is a better way with the above criteria?