Missing Attachments


New Member
I have a simple question which I couldn't find an answer to.

I added attachments on the "setup" page. But the attachment is not saved in the email. Therefore, when I send out the email, there is no attachment.

What have I possibly missed out?

Not all attachments will be saved, you have to go into backend -> settings -> Campaigns -> Attachments and select from there what attachments are allowed and how many. Also, it is up on your server to allow larger attachments, check your settings for this. If you upload an attachment larger that your limits, it will be discarded.
Yup, I enabled it. Refer to attachment.

But it's not working.

I used the open source PHPList to send email and attachment via my server, and it went through. attachment.PNG
Sorry I think that's not it...

I attached files of size 30-50kb.

Any other possible issues that might cause this?
Maybe your files report another mime type than the accepted ones and that's the reason for failure.
not sure though, will have to look into this, i'll mark it as a possible bug for now.
Also experiencing this bug. Apparently mailwizz never attaches/embeds the attachment to the email on sending.

attachments are correctly saved to the server and can be accessed

eg. http://mailwizz.siteurl.com /frontend/assets/files/campaign-attachments/fo131pp74x8c0/attached.pdf

As per the feature request: https://forum.mailwizz.com/threads/non-embed-campaign-attachments.885/

since the files are already accessible via the web, it should be easy for you to allow us to have direct file links in the email to the attachments instead of embedding them, which is not working.
The error only happens when API methods are used.

Tested against: elasticemail, sendgrid, mailgun.

If smtp is used for those they attachments are embedded, if the api is used the attachments are missing.
Solved this issue, thank you, now would like to know where is the menu controller file, would like to hide some items permanently i.e Support Link in Backed.
Basically was mostly bad from my part, I forgot to add the Mime types for their respective file extension. i.e image/png or jpg. After added that and file extension it worked just fine.
Looks like is happening again, worked for an instance and now doesn't work, even with the file extension and mime types added, it sends all the listed formats but the one's I added in this case, two important ones. (jpg and png).
Looks like is happening again, worked for an instance and now doesn't work, even with the file extension and mime types added, it sends all the listed formats but the one's I added in this case, two important ones. (jpg and png).
The way we handle attachments is to have a folder with the attachments inside and then have a simple link to it in the email. No problem with mwz as no attachment is sent or uploaded via mwz.