Merged Email List Stale For Scheduled Campaigns

Ray Li

Whenever you create a campaign in Mailwizz with a Merged List, Mailwizz merges the list at the end of the process. This works great if you are sending the campaign right away but not so much for scheduled campaigns.

Lets say I want to send a scheduled campaign to a merged list (comprised of list A and B) 1 week into the future. In that week, list A and B's subscribers change. People subscribe and unsubscribe. However, when the previously scheduled campaigns send, it will send to the old merged list which by now is stale.

Is there a way to schedule campaigns for merged lists and have the actual merging be done before the campaign is sent?
Unfortunately that is not possible right now, as i stated a few times, merged lists is a dirty hack we're not happy with at all.
Merged lists do provide a feature I need and solves quite a few use cases so please don't remove them. I can deal with putting in a bit more work to manually schedule them for the time being.