Make a cron job to get all the emails with special statuses


Every day I need to send transactional emails from our backend to several thousands users, which change from day to day. Before sending, I need to make sure that the list is very clean and these recipients have not even unsubscribed from our bulk emails in MailWizz.

One way is to use MailWizz API to get the status of every potential recipient. As there are several thousands users, calling this API one by one takes a lot of time.

Another way is to get all the emails having special statues such as "unsubscribed" and "unconfirmed" by `searchByStatus`. However, as described by this post, I realize that the results are very unstable for big lists.

Another way is to manually export these special emails from MailWizz. The exporting, which inevitably includes also subscribers, takes time, I would like to know if it's possible to set a cron job in MailWizz to export them, and maybe save the resulting csv somewhere or send it to me by email.

Could anyone help?
Mailwizz is not meant to be used to send transactional emails. What you are describing is not suitable for transactional emails. You should use the normal campaign sending scenario.
