No need to convert MailWizz to MTAMWZ = mailer = Email Marketing Application = EMA
(and of course you can add many features and run into unnecessary problems, e.g. backdoor access to mwz, and suddenly each mwz could become a spam bot).
But the point is not if creating smtp accounts is a basic function of an ESP.
It was about using those third party apps (Outlook/OutlookExpress/SendBlaster/ThunderBird/GroupMail/AtomicMail/etc) to send via accounts that do not need to be created in mwz, but are normally created at the admin level of each MTA (for good reason). Mailers usually don't do that, for good reason, but an ESP admin portal can. Some install scripts can do, but that is something entirely different, as they are used at admin level for setup.
In effect you would use mwz to create smtp accounts to be used by other mail apps, while mwz is not an ESP admin portal (yet?!).
Sure those third party smtp providers oft offer a mailer and an MTA (but are you also asking for mwz to include an MTA as well)?
Then the whole thread would perhaps make some more sense?

So it's always good to move with trend/market and in no way it will be a security risk because I've talked to people who are doing this for years. In future hopefully @twisted1919 will make it happen to get new features on board like he did amazing job with DRAG & DROP builder