Mailwizz sends welcome mail but not campaign?

Cyril Malka

After I put up my autoresponder, I added a couple of new customers.
Mailwizz sent the welcome mail, no problems (I could also see it in Mailgun's log).
Then I made a campaign and I wrote a mail to the customers of this list to give them some news.
The mail isn't sending at all.

My delivery server in backend is set to "all" so it should send campaigns and autoresponder, right?


After I put up my autoresponder, I added a couple of new customers.
Mailwizz sent the welcome mail, no problems (I could also see it in Mailgun's log).
Then I made a campaign and I wrote a mail to the customers of this list to give them some news.
The mail isn't sending at all.

My delivery server in backend is set to "all" so it should send campaigns and autoresponder, right?


What does it say in the various logs?

Various log? where do you find it?

In backend, miscellaneous, I can see different logs (but nothing about this campaign at all).


different logs
# yes, various logs = different logs
# sometimes you will find there 'no delivery server available' or other errors/reasons why this or that happened
# check your sending settings in customer/group
# perhaps the camp is scheduled differently than you think it is
# check also server time settings

Thank you for your answer.

Various logs: I don't see anything in them.

"no delivery server available or other reason":
- In "campaign stats" where it says "pending sending"
- In "View cron job history" it says only "success".
- In "View delivery servers usage log", I can only see "delivery for campaign" or "Delivery for list" and everything is marked in "countable for customer" as "yes"

I didn't schedule the campaign but after I was finished writing the mail, I just went "send"

Time settings:
What do you mean exactly? I put my time setting to the country I live in (Israel), but the time settings of the server are ... er... Atlanta I think.
Are you sure the cron jobs are actually running ?
backend > misc > cron jibs history. Do you have any records there ?
Yes they do... According to Mailwizz (see screenshot) - 8:00 PM was 8 minutes ago.


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I don't have ssh access to my server :(
When you setup a campaign, did you select a delivery server to be used?
This is in step 2 (Details, Setup, Template, Confirmation, Done)
under 'Show more options' at the bottom 'Campaign delivery servers'.
Hm... When I am in step 2, setup, I don't see any "show more options" anywhere (see screenshot). Did I misunderstand something?

P.S.: When using mailwizz, I don't go "backend" but just as a "customer". Is it okay?


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That wasn't the problem.

Thanks to support, the solution was here: The issue is that I had 5 campaigns at once from http://mydomain/backend/index.php/settings/cron
Once support increased to a higher number, things started to work.

Thank you everyone for your valuable help. Support as well as everyone else :)

Thank you


Glad for you it was sorted out. The camps at once was what I had for you up here and you said it had already 50 in it?
I should have posted the link for you! Sorry if I was not clear!