Mailwizz 1.3.9.x - feeling brave to test the beta release?

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Staff member
Hi guys,

-- 6th March - version has been added with fixes over, see below changelog.
-- 14th March - version has been added with fixes over, see below changelog.
-- 22nd March - version - has been added with fixes over, see below changelog.
-- 22nd March - version - has been added with fixes over, see below changelog.
-- 7th April - version - has been added with fixes over, see below changelog.
-- 7th April - version - has been added with fixes over, see below changelog.
-- 12th April - version -has been added with fixes over, see below changelog.

Mailwizz 1.3.9.x is here with huge changes and while it has gone through a lot of tests we still need to test it in real world scenarios, so if you could test this beta release on your own, it would be awesome.
Please don't use it in production for now, it's a beta release after all and it's not the final release either.
If you find any issues with it, please let me know in comments, meanwhile you can download it from HERE.
Please make sure you read the entire changelog:
--- -------------------------------------------
--- Version - 2017-04-12
--- -------------------------------------------
[ADD] - Added BounceHandlerHelper class
[ADD] - Bounce handler rules will now use a remote repository for getting updates once at 24 hours with fallback to local rules
[ADD] - Added hourly quota for customers and customer groups so that one can set the max. number of emails they can send in one hour
[ADD] - Finally urls in plain text are tracking transformed

--- -------------------------------------------
--- Version - 2017-04-07
--- -------------------------------------------
[ADD] - Added start page for MIS Reports
[MSC] - Misc fixes

--- -------------------------------------------
--- Version - 2017-04-07
--- -------------------------------------------
[ADD] - Added ability to add random content blocks with full html and trackable links for each campaign
[ADD] - Added ability to do recurring import from urls
[ADD] - Added ability to update missing optin history when subscriber updates his profile. Can be turned on/off globally or per customer group
[ADD] - Added ability to store the last login of users and customers. Beware, customers last login is updated when customer is impersonated
[ADD] - Added ability for customers to disable their accounts
[ADD] - Added STATUS_PENDING_DISABLE for customers which will be set when a customer disables his account
[ADD] - Added STATUS_DISABLED for customers which will be set by the daily cron job when the account data will be removed
[ADD] - Added ability to categorize email templates
[ADD] - Added the customer_login_with_disabled_account action hook which is triggered when a disabled customer logs in and the account is enabled again
[ADD] - Added ability to load a init-custom.php file placed in apps/ folder. You can place here custom init directives, but also hook into available application
[ADD] - Added MIS reports area for customer campaigns
[ADD] - Added ability to give a strict number of times a recurring campaign is allowed to run
[ADD] - Added ability to parse dynamic tags for when taking actions agaisnt subscribers on campaign open or link click
[ADD] - Added 'delivery_servers_form_view_file' filter hook to overwrite the form view file for servers
[CHG] - Deleting customers will mark them as deleted and will be removed for good when the daily cron job runs
[CHG] - On Start Pages, the heading, content and icon are now all optional
[CHG] - Email templates area layout is now grid based
[MSC] - Misc fixes

--- -------------------------------------------
--- Version - 2017-03-22
--- -------------------------------------------
[BUG] - Upgrade SQL fix for `start_page` table

--- -------------------------------------------
--- Version - 2017-03-22
--- -------------------------------------------
[ADD] - Added ability to parse tags for all List Pages subjects not just content
[ADD] - Added custom FileLogRoute class to record the ip address of http errors
[ADD] - Added Start Pages for customer and backend dashboards
[ADD] - Added color picker for Start Pages so you can set the icon color
[ADD] - Added emoji support for campaign subject
[ADD] - Added console_command_send_campaigns_before_prepare_email filter hook
[ADD] - Added console_command_send_campaigns_after_prepare_email filter hook
[ADD] - Added back the Embed Images feature, this time as a feature for customers/customer groups so it can be easily disabled
[ADD] - Added {backend,customer}_controller_guest_reset_password action hooks
[CHG] - Changed the logic for loading and parsing template tags, should be faster now
[CHG] - We're now using cache to count delivery servers quota so that sending limits work when PCNTL enabled
[RMV] - Disabled Delivery Servers Domain Policy feature as it caused more issues than actually solved. Will be removed for good in near future
--- -------------------------------------------
--- Version - 2017-03-14
--- -------------------------------------------
[ADD] - Added ability to turn on/off the 24 hours performace graph for campaigns (Backend > Settings > Campaigns > Misc)
[ADD] - Added ability to mask emails that are part of shared campaigns
[ADD] - Added the campaign ID in the grid view of campaigns
[ADD] - Added ability to filter campaigns by multiple lists and by "send at" date range
[ADD] - Added "Start pages" for all major sections of the app so they are displayed when no content exists for those sections
[ADD] - Added base64_encode to the list of filters that can be applied to tags
[CHG] - Mask email function will mask the domain name as well, leaving the tld visible though

--- -------------------------------------------
--- Version - 2017-03-06
--- -------------------------------------------
[ADD] - Added cron jobs history area in the MISC menu so we can track running cron jobs
[ADD] - Added caching for when campaign template is parsed to generate tracking urls
[FIX] - Fixed wrong table reference to `campaign_url` table
[MSC] - various misc fixes

[NOTES for customers]
1. Because we added the ability to select multiple campaigns for opens/unopens, the old way of selecting a single
campaign is not going to work anymore, so please make sure you don't have sending campaigns that use this feature.

[NOTES for developers]
1. Make sure you replace any calls to `$model->pendingDelete` with `$model->isPendingDelete` and
and calls to `$model->getPendingDelete()` with `$model->getIsPendingDelete()`
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What about the redis? No support for redis anymore?

Are any of the suggestions/bug fixes from my team included with this update? (they are never/rarely visible, but yet important)

Nice update!
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while testing i got this error
Error 500!
CDbCommand failed to execute the SQL statement: SQLSTATE[42S02]: Base table or view not found: 1146 Table 'mw.campaign_url' doesn't exist
in this URL
while testing i got this error
Error 500!
CDbCommand failed to execute the SQL statement: SQLSTATE[42S02]: Base table or view not found: 1146 Table 'mw.campaign_url' doesn't exist
in this URL
same here

@AHK - Unzip attached and put in /apps/customer/components/web/widgets/campaign-tracking/ to overwrite existing file with same name.
All others - I updated the archive with the fix, so maybe re-download if not installed yet.
works :)
Tested the CASL feature, it works, yay!
Is there a way to see all IPs in any list view (cause exporting a whole list is not always feasible) and analysis/filtering may be useful?
Is the IP_address not supposed to be of the webform, since optin_IP and confirm_IP cover the rest?

Have not tested everything yet, but this seems to be your greatest release ever so far! :)
Definitely time to propose you into the hall of fame of mailer developers :cool:

PS: One idea just crossed my mind, would it be possible to adjust the pickup directory feature so that it would use ftp access to another server and could hence transfer over there or is it better to use rsync or mdp-go (which is not easy to setup re encryption)?
@frm.mwz - I mainly inspired for this from the big providers and they seem to make that data available just upon export, but tell you what, once this release becomes stable, we can look into new ways of making that data visible. Main thing is that now we store it, so showing it later will really be super simple.
Please try to add Email Builder Extension
I hear you, trust me, i do.
@frm.mwz - I mainly inspired for this from the big providers and they seem to make that data available just upon export, but tell you what, once this release becomes stable, we can look into new ways of making that data visible. Main thing is that now we store it, so showing it later will really be super simple.

I hear you, trust me, i do.

Feature Request:
there should be an option to verify sending email id sending domain verification is not sufficient.
if domain is verified and sender email does not exist it will be fatal.
customer can verify multiple email ids to send campaign from.
@twisted1919 Please consider to add this feature in future release.

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here should be an option to verify sending email id sending domain verification is not sufficient.
Hi, I am not sure how familiar you are with this process, but please keep in mind that there are services out there that have this sole activity, to make sure the emails are indeed valid. Mailwizz integrates with such services ( BulkEmailChecker, VeriAS, etc, see the store area of your app). To validate an email in such way you have to actually connect to the smtp server and start a communication with it, which means you risk to get banned for doing so too many times and when you're starting sending the emails for real, you'll be blacklisted for the verification action. The services i mentioned use dozen servers to avoid getting blacklisted. Hope it makes sense.

How do I enable multi threaded bounce handling or is it auto enabled ?
It's on by default. ps aux | grep bounce-handler to check what's going on.
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