Mail Campaigns is not delivering


New Member
Hi Team,
i have watched all videos about Mail Campaigns schedule and i have done all things as per describe in videos but Mail Campaigns is not delivering at time as per i have set also my Cron Jobs is working fine. please help me let me attach Campaigns picture


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i have watched all videos about Mail Campaigns schedule and i have done all things as per describe in videos but Mail Campaigns is not delivering at time as per i have set also my Cron Jobs is working fine. please help me let me attach Campaigns picture
Can you take a look in backend > misc > campaign delivery logs? Does that page load for you to see if new records are being added?

If that does not work, can you look in one of your campaigns that is in sending status and in the overview, click the recipients count and check a few times at different intervals to see if that number changes?

If it does, it means sending happens, you just need to wait so those campaigns will be picked next time when the send-campaigns command runs.
Can you take a look in backend > misc > campaign delivery logs? Does that page load for you to see if new records are being added?

If that does not work, can you look in one of your campaigns that is in sending status and in the overview, click the recipients count and check a few times at different intervals to see if that number changes?

If it does, it means sending happens, you just need to wait so those campaigns will be picked next time when the send-campaigns command runs.
There is notthing


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MailWizz doesn't have a cron job called
So again, are you sure your cron jobs actually work? See Backend > Settings > Cron Jobs History Do you have records there? If you do, can you filter them by send-campaigns and see when it is the last time it ran?
MailWizz doesn't have a cron job called
So again, are you sure your cron jobs actually work? See Backend > Settings > Cron Jobs History Do you have records there? If you do, can you filter them by send-campaigns and see when it is the last time it ran?
only i have named this actually it's console.php i named it please check attach and in cron jobs history all cron is running fine


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