Low speed sending


New Member
Good day, I have the problem that whatever settings put, always send 15 mails per minute per season, no longer know what else to try
Any ideas?
No, everything is as it is. With the latest upgrade mailwizz I started with this problem. Send a maximum of 15 mails per minute per campaign.
1 campaign = 15 shipments per minute
2 campaigns = 30 shipments per minute
No, everything is as it is. With the latest upgrade mailwizz I started with this problem. Send a maximum of 15 mails per minute per campaign.
1 campaign = 15 shipments per minute
2 campaigns = 30 shipments per minute
post all your sending settings from respective
customer group
delivery server
add screenshots
I clarify that I have a server with MAWP and 30 IPS
View attachment 2401 View attachment 2402 View attachment 2403
From what you sent, it seems not to be limiting. You could try make the batches smaller, as maybe the dbf server is slow, and try without pcntl, and see how fast normal sending is (should still do more than 1/s). See if you use phpmailer in the common settings and how fast that goes (in my tests swiftmailer is 2.6x slower).
I've tried all possible configurations.
Probe 3 servers of different shipping.
And still sending 15 mails per minute per campaign. Any idea what could be the problem?