log transactional emails


Active Member
How i can check transnational emails ? i know this: /backend/transactional-emails/index
but it's not show test email, welcome email, subscribe confirm email and other ...
But Imagine we have public form, and Spammers attacked, we can't monitor it ! i think it was better "delivery-servers-usage-logs" contain request IP, it's able us monitor spammer.
But Imagine we have public form, and Spammers attacked, we can't monitor it ! i think it was better "delivery-servers-usage-logs" contain request IP, it's able us monitor spammer.
If you want to prevent from subscription spam, there are at least half a dozen methods to achieve that, listed in another post, some of them are:
# reCaptcha
# (increasing) timer/IP
# submissions/IP
# block bad email domains
all of these method limit our customer, We know that recapcha would be good but not for all purpose.
See other ESP, such as mailerlite:
we don't have any captcha
I think "delivery servers usage logs" should be better contain "Request IP, and if its request from local, set null".
It's able admins users block spamer or even monitor better.
It was great, even if we had table for list emails like transactional table
I think my problem got solve.
"mw_list_subscribe" table, solve all problem for me :confused:, I don't know why i'm not consider this.
all of these method limit our customer
Do you know some methods that do not limit customers?

We know that recapcha would be good but not for all purpose.
Perhaps try to use it only if the request is from the same IP within a short period of time.

"delivery servers usage logs" should be better contain "Request IP, and if its request from local, set null"
Good idea!
And perhaps have a filter and link on the IPs to block them.

I think my problem got solve.
"mw_list_subscribe" table, solve all problem for me :confused:, I don't know why i'm not consider this.
Still needs some code to automate prevention, or do you just manually make lookups?
Do you know some methods that do not limit customers?

Perhaps try to use it only if the request is from the same IP within a short period of time.

Good idea!
And perhaps have a filter and link on the IPs to block them.

Still needs some code to automate prevention, or do you just manually make lookups?
The convenience of customers = Difficulty to managment, So manully blocking Spammer IPs.