List Import Error


New Member
Hello. I am having an strange issue that did not happen in the last version of the software. I am going to import a list via a csv file, and am getting the error
Your uploaded file is not using the UTF-8 charset. Please save it in UTF-8 then upload it again.

I know the file is UTF-8 encoded, and also downloaded the example in the list upload instructions, and tried that and got the same error. Could you please help me fix this problem?

I have answered your support ticket related to this, you can continue here or there ;)

I don't think its the file, as any file is giving me the error. I tried many csv files and text files, created from different programs (Excel, Sublime Text, TextMate). Ive also verified that the files are in fact UTF8 encoded. Could it maybe be a permission error on the upload directory? What directory does it upload to on the server?


I don't think its the file, as any file is giving me the error. I tried many csv files and text files, created from different programs (Excel, Sublime Text, TextMate). Ive also verified that the files are in fact UTF8 encoded. Could it maybe be a permission error on the upload directory? What directory does it upload to on the server?

so far uploads have worked for me, though you may have to limit the size to 5k or 10k lines (some even recommend just 1k or 500)

just download the example and use that as file template

Thanks for the tip. The example file doesn't work either though, no file is working. Its not a size or line issue, as I tried just a couple email addresses.
Thanks for the tip. The example file doesn't work either though, no file is working. Its not a size or line issue, as I tried just a couple email addresses.

You mean the example file that mailwizz has, directly downloaded from within the app does also not work?

Try this from here:
# make sure the needed folders are writable, we have already a shell script for this:
# step 1, make it executable
chmod +x /home/mailwizz-new/public_html/apps/console/commands/shell/set-dir-perms
# step 2, execute it
Thank you for taking the time to help me.
Yes, the example file that is directly downloaded from the app on the instructions does not work.
I just did the directory permissions, and retried it and it still does not work, so thats not it either.
Any other ideas?
Thank you for taking the time to help me.
Yes, the example file that is directly downloaded from the app on the instructions does not work.
I just did the directory permissions, and retried it and it still does not work, so thats not it either.
Any other ideas?

depending how much u have going already
backup dbf


install another mwz in another directory on the same server
see if the error comes up again

sorry i cannot help with code or diagnose from afar
Twisted helped me find the issue, in case anyone else runs into this error.
The mbstring library was not installed, so I installed it, restarted apache and it works.
It does indeed, most likely @Gotti32 moved the install or upgraded php after the install and missed the mbstring extension, it can happen.

If you, @twisted1919
(because you, logically, as the creator, know the app/code better than anyone)
could publish an
"error handling flow chart"
(which of course can be iteratively refined over time)
this could save (you and others) tons of time...

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