Linking Warrior+ with MailWizz


When you set up a product in W+ it's offering API connection to most of the popular autoresponder. I used before GR, and now switching to MailWizz.
Unfortunately, MW is not in the list, but W+ is offering "Custom Post" opotion.
Wonder if there's any chance to link this services.
Unfortunately, MW is not in the list,
Ask them to add it, this is how new integrations are born, out of the need ;)

but W+ is offering "Custom Post" opotion.
That also works, just give it the url of your subscribe form and do the fields mapping. Your field names are the "tags" that you see in your list custom fields area. So if a field name is email then the tag is EMAIL, etc.
You cannot submit a form using GET request, your request must be a POST request. If you do that it will work.
Don't they have a way to send POST request instead of GET?
Well, they claim that area as "CUSTOM POST REQUEST"... and is only giving one field to complete, so unless they are doing the POST with some data...
In that case, I shoulg get the info and do a form.submit() I guess, when the data if filled
and is only giving one field to complete
Most likely they send a json blob of data, not regular POST fields as when you submit a form.

You might want to look into using the API if possible, so you have them post all the info in a file of your choice then use the api to send the info to MailWizz.