Link to subsriber email


Hi i have issue i need to generate link to my landing page so it is an example:

->[EMAIL] but when i send the link it doesn't add recovers email in field [EMAIL]

It should look like :
But the person gets which is email from which i send newsletter. Could you please tell me how can i input recover's email to link?']I changed [email]->[EMAIL] but when i send the link it doesn't add recovers email in field [EMAIL]
->[EMAIL] but when i send the link it doesn't add recovers email in field [EMAIL]

It should look like :
But the person gets which is email from which i send newsletter. Could you please tell me how can i input recover's email to link?']
->[EMAIL] but when i send the link it doesn't add recovers email in field [EMAIL]

It should look like :
But the person gets which is email from which i send newsletter. Could you please tell me how can i input recover's email to link?']It should look like :
->[EMAIL] but when i send the link it doesn't add recovers email in field [EMAIL]

It should look like :
But the person gets which is email from which i send newsletter. Could you please tell me how can i input recover's email to link?']But the person gets which is email from which i send newsletter. Could you please tell me how can i input reciver's email to link?[/EMAIL][/URL]
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Hmm, that does not sound right, the [ EMAIL ] tag is replaced with the email address of the subscriber when you send a campaign.
If you put the tag inside the template, without a link, just add
anywhere, does it get replaced properly?
Include in your campaign and send a test, then let me know so we can look into it.
yes but i need it within link to ex deadline funnel not as raw email address wishing message