Issue in synch List


Hi @twisted1919

Step 1) I am Copy data one list to another list using sync list.

Step 2) I have sync data from Primary list to secondary list. "Do Nothing" is selected for action on duplicate subscribers

Step 3) Here is an email which is duplicate. This is the initial status

Step 4) Expectation after run is that the email should not be updated. But it getting updated

Please resolve
Is that date field freely set or a list join date (which would then be updated when the list is joined) or what function runs on that field?
The date field is hard coded in the csv. It is freely set.

Not only the date fields, other fields are updated as well
Then agreed, it seems a bug @twisted1919 .
There should be a dumb copy (perhaps in the toggle filter form) and smart sync function (ideally with field mapping and sync mode choice).
What do you think?
@developer / @frm.mwz - yeah, that seem to be a bug.
Attached is the "fixed" controller that should go in apps/customer/controllers
Can you try it and let me know how it goes?


Tested it with the above settings of @developer and got results as attached, which I believe are what is expected for sync. I even made a txt (alphanum format) and a date field (date format), to see if mwz gets "confused", but magicmailer mwz stayed cool like a cucumber ;)


  • tstlst5=ToSync=Firefox_Screenshot_2016-09-30T17-07-46.655Z.png
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  • tstlst4=FromSync=Firefox_Screenshot_2016-09-30T17-07-07.466Z.png
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