Introducing new user type and landing flow for end users


New Member
We are using this script to send tenders to users with pdf attachments. The users who receive the tenders would click on a link and land on the site. We are thinking of mapping front-end to these users, but I just couldn't locate the right user type. We have users for backend and customer, but there's no user type for frontend.

Also, how can I activate the frontend app? I couldn't seem to locate any urls for frontend.

Is the front-end meant to be merely composed of static pages? For the new user type (tenderer), is it better to go with existing db table and create new table? I'd also like show them all the campaigns (tenders) for which they have been invited (campaigns sent).

Can anyone share some idea on how I can approach this?
@SenG -
I can only chip-in for the frontend side of things.
There's no landing page, but beside this, the frontend handles list forms, campaign links and web hooks, so it's not really missing. You can have a look at this for a sample theme that adds a landing page.

As far as the users of the frontend. Why do you have to have users at all? From my side of things, they are just regular subscribers.
In our system, subscribers are privileged business users. Campaigns are way to communicate a business (tenders) stuff to these users. They click on a link from the email, they login into the site and see all the campaigns they have been part of.

As I understand from your response, frontend has some end points that is reserved for http end points (web hooks) so I believe we can't use front-end for these users. Is it possible to duplicate the customer directory (app) to something like tenderer and introduce a new app like host/tenderer/index.php/path/to/action?

I understand this is unique requirement and we are going to extend the script to perform all these, but I'd like to hear some ideas to base my work.
@SenG - Yes, you can duplicate apps/customer into apps/tenderer and /customer to /tenderer this way keeping things totally separate. I don't see any roadblock going this way, so you might as well give it a try and see how it goes.