does not matter which link, php, htm/l .ru / .com.
we do. It's a server file redirection - it's not very convenient and not promising.
To me many people said that it should work - but I did not when did not work and did redirect from the server. (now there are a lot of servers in the rotation - and that does not make much sense anymore). you need to mailwizz make a redirect via tracker
think what you can do please.
you can still do this: Make from the service page mailwizz. redirection, with the service page output by tag and it is available on the server tracker (it works) .. But why is the link not always live, people complain. But in its rotation principle - it works perfectly.
I did this through the profile update page - we do not need it.
My knowledge is not enough to do it correctly from a separate page. But why people complained about the transitions I did not understand. Although the tests - the link comes normally.
I still am surprised that I did not find information about this on the forum and other participants are silent. All the same, what am I doing wrong or set up? This is a very important point, the link should be pre-dominant in the zone of its server.
we do. It's a server file redirection - it's not very convenient and not promising.
To me many people said that it should work - but I did not when did not work and did redirect from the server. (now there are a lot of servers in the rotation - and that does not make much sense anymore). you need to mailwizz make a redirect via tracker
think what you can do please.
you can still do this: Make from the service page mailwizz. redirection, with the service page output by tag and it is available on the server tracker (it works) .. But why is the link not always live, people complain. But in its rotation principle - it works perfectly.
I did this through the profile update page - we do not need it.
My knowledge is not enough to do it correctly from a separate page. But why people complained about the transitions I did not understand. Although the tests - the link comes normally.
I still am surprised that I did not find information about this on the forum and other participants are silent. All the same, what am I doing wrong or set up? This is a very important point, the link should be pre-dominant in the zone of its server.